Read about brain cancer statistics, treatment (surgery, chemotherapy), symptoms, causes, risk factors, tumor types, stages, prognosis, and survival rates. Not all brain tumors are cancerous; some are benign.
Treatment depends on the type of stroke.For an ischemic stroke, administering a blood-thinning drug, such as alteplase or tenecteplase (also referred to as tPA) within three hours of the stroke can break up the blood clot and restore blood flow before brain damage is too extensive. ...
Recently, immunotherapy, which manipulates immune cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME) to kill tumor cells, has attracted attention as a treatment strategy for tumors. Here, we analyzed the transcriptomic architecture of the brain tumor microenvironment to provide potential guidelines to overcome ...
In many cases, benign tumors need no treatment. Doctors may simply use "watchful waiting" to make sure they cause no problems. But treatment may be needed if symptoms are a problem. Surgery is a common type of treatment for benign tumors. The goal is to remove the tumor without damaging ...
Brain tumor.Depending on where it is, it can cause different types of hallucinations. If it's in an area that has to do with vision, you may see things that aren't real. You might also see spots or shapes of light. Tumors in some parts of the brain can cause hallucinations of smell...
Types of Cancer Bile Duct Cancer Bladder Cancer Bone Cancer Brain Cancer Brain Tumor Symptoms Guide Breast Cancer Cancer Treatment Methods Carcinoid Cancer Cervical Cancer Colon & Rectal Cancer Esophageal Cancer Eye Cancer Gallbladder Cancer Head and Neck Cancer Kidney Cancer Laryngeal Cancer Leukemia ...
Inflammation:Inflammation or interrupted blood flow around the brain can also cause chronic headaches.3 Brain tumor: About 50% of people with cancerous tumors in the brain experience headaches, which can become chronic and persistent headaches.3 ...
Read about headache treatment, prevention, migraines, types and causes. How do you get rid of a headache? Learn about different types of headaches. Get relief from headache symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light.
When a person is diagnosed with a coma, healthcare providers work to identify the cause. Often, treatment involves medical stabilization to minimize the risk of permanent brain damage. Diagnosis is based on:4 Medical history: This is the key feature for determining the cause of a coma and dir...
If you hear your doctor or nurse talk about a “malignant” tumor, that means it’s cancer. A “benign” tumor isn’t. The kind of treatment you get depends on that key difference, along with many other things. Here are some of the types of tumors and a little about each of them:...