1.按照程序初始化过程 #define u8 uint8_t;typedef unsigned char uint8_t;图中的代码是先#define后...
uint8_t priority; void (*entry_point)(uint32_t); uint32_t entry_param; struct atom_tcb *prev_tcb; struct atom_tcb *next_tcb; uint8_t suspended; uint8_t suspend_wake_status; ATOM_TIMER *suspend_timo_cb; #ifdef ATOM_STACK_CHECKING POINTER stack_top; /* Pointer to top of stack a...
#define u8 uint8_t #define u16 uint16_t #define u32 uint32_ttypedef unsigned char uint8_t;typedef unsigned short uint16_t;typedef unsigned long uint32_t; 根据上下文理解,我猜测下面两句意思是这样的:typedef unsigned char unit8_t; #define u8 unit8_t; 上一句是定义了一种unit8_t的新类型,...
recbuf:这是一个uint8_t类型的数组,大小为max_rs485_buf。这个数组用作接收缓冲区,存储从RS485接口接收到的数据。 txbuf:这也是一个uint8_t类型的数组,大小同样为max_rs485_buf。这个数组用作传输缓冲区,存储将要发送到RS485接口的数据。3. 说明u8可能是一个自定义的数据类型 ...
typedef unsigned short int uint16_t; typedef unsigned int uint32_t; typedef unsigned long long uint64_t; typedef signed char s8; typedef signed short int s16; typedef signed int s32; typedef signed long long int s64; typedef unsigned char u8; ...
typedef int __int32_t; typedef int __uint32_t; typedef int __int64_t; typedef int __uint64_t; typedef int __int_least32_t; typedef int __uint_least32_t; typedef int __s8; typedef int __u8; typedef int __s16; typedef int __u16; typedef int __s32; typedef int __u32;...
u8_t addr_lsb = ((u8_t)fd_space) & (ptr_size-1);#pragma GCC diagnostic pop 复制代码 意...