typedef uint8_t BYTE; typedef char* string; Data structure: - a data type that has some structure to it so store both at once - example: create a new data type - "person" with a name and his/her phone number typedef struct// define a type with some sorts of structures { string n...
在pc上1字节就是8位,没别的说法。 uint8_t里面的8就是它占8位的意思呗 word也没道理, 一般的说法 8位叫byte (字节) , 16位叫word(字) , 32位叫 double word或者DWORD(双字)。 看到这些字眼长度就都是固定的, 没有根据cpu位数变化的, 也没听过“机器字”这说法 ...
类型重命名用法与变量定义相似,只是在前面加上typedef。 语法 typedef 类型 新名字; 实例 typedef unsigned char Byte; Byte b = 0x11; typedef char* Str; Str str = "ABCDEFG"; 创建平台无关的数据类型,比如:time_t、size_t、uint8_t、int8_t等。 2.2 结构体/联合体类型重命名 我们使用结构体类型...
refers to fiber or coroutine.typedefint8_tTZINT8;typedefuint8_tTZUINT8;typedefint16_tTZINT16;typedefuint16_tTZUINT16;// long is not recommended when crossing platforms
typedef unsigned char byte; /* Unsigned 8 bit value type. */typedef unsigned short word; /* Unsinged 16 bit value type. */typedef unsigned long dword; /* Unsigned 32 bit value type. */typedef unsigned char uint1; /* Unsigned 8 bit value type. */typedef unsigned short uint2; /* Uns...
typedef bit[31:0] uint; 自定义类型后缀常带"_t" struct 只是数据的集合所以是可综合的 默认情况下,结构体是非压缩的(unpacked),结构体成员是独立的变量或常量 压缩(packed)结构体按照指定的顺序以相邻的位来存储结构体成员;压缩结构体被当做一个向量存储,结构体的第一个成员在向量的最左边;向量的最低位是结...
typedef unsigned short uint16; typedef unsigned char uint8; typedef signed long int int32; typedef signed short int16; typedef signed char int8; //下面的不建议使用 typedef unsigned char byte; typedef unsigned short word; typedef unsigned long dword; ...
typedef unsigned char uint8; typedef signed long int int32; typedef signed short int16; typedef signed char int8; //下面的不建议使用 typedef unsigned char byte; typedef unsigned short word; typedef unsigned long dword; typedef unsigned char uint1; ...
uint8_t combine_flags =@@ -835,6 +836,9 @@int stm32_i2c_transaction(const struct device *dev, msg.flags = saved_flags; flagsp = next_msg_flags; }++k_sem_reset(&data->device_sync_sem);if ((msg.flags & I2C_MSG_RW_MASK) == I2C_MSG_WRITE) { ...
1、typedef的最简单使用 typedef long byte_4;给已知数据类型long起个新名字,叫byte_4。 2、typedef与结构结合使用 typedefstructtagMyStruct { intiNum;long lLength;} MyStruct;这语句实际上完成两个操作: 1)定义一个新的结构类型 structtagMyStruct { intiNum;long lLength;};分析:tagMyStruct称为“tag...