typedef struct __attribute(( packed )) 已经解决 改成 typedef __packed struct 就行 新问题是, ...
void do_exit(long error_code)__attribute__((noreturn));do_exit不会返回; struct Xgt_desc_struct { unsigned short size; unsigned long\address __attribute__((packed));};将address在结构中紧凑排列。 5楼2008-05-25 18:06 回复
struct Point oPoint1={100,100,0}; struct Point oPoint2; 其中结构体struct Point为新的数据类型,在定义变量的时候均要有保留字struct,而不能像int和double那样直接使用Point来定义变量。如果经过如下的 修改, typedef struct tagPoint { double x; double y; double z; } Point; 定义变量的方法可以简化为...
typedef struct { unsigned char nxdata[2]; } __attribute__((packed)) nx_uint16_t; typedef uint16_t __nesc_nxbase_nx_uint16_t ; And from nesc_nx.h: typedef uint16_t nx_uint16_t __attribute__((nx_base_be(uint16)));
#pragma pack(1) typedef struct { uint8_t flag1:1; uint8_t flag2:1; padding1 reserved:6; /* not necessary but makes this struct more readable */ uint32_t sequence_no; uint8_t data[8]; uint32_t crc32; } s_mypacket __attribute__((packed)); #pragma pack() 你使用的方法取决...
Here typedefs are used to create structures with the __packed attribute to eliminate gaps in the controller structure memory. I send X command and receive from the device a stream of register data the maps to EM_data1, EM_data2 or EM_version. Command state sequence ID C: typedef enum...