I am a student I am a teacher Recommended Lessons and Courses for You Related Lessons Related Courses Protist Reproduction | Overview & Types Examples of Multicellular Protists Protozoa Overview, Types & Reproduction Diplomonads & Parabasalids | Definition, Differences & Examples Start...
partially suppressing protozoa, and significantly reducing methanogenesis at a concentration of 300–450 mg/L5. Regarding the selective antimicrobial effects of savory phytochemicals on the rumen microbial ecosystem, we hypothesised that savory may modulate ...
Yeasts a born from parent yeast cells through asexual reproduction. One mode of asexual reproduction in yeast is budding, where daughter cells grow out of parent cells as buds and eventually detach from them; the second mode is through fission in which a parent cell divides into two identical ...
The preconjugant cell interactions of a marine species of Blepharisma (Protozoa Ciliata), collected on the Somalian coasts of the Indian Ocean, have been investigated. In freshwater species belonging to the same genus, cell recognition and union during the early phases of sexual reproduction are...
[58]. For the detection of intestinal protozoa, a preparation was made for each faecal sample processed by the sedimentation protocol and adding a drop of iodine. The preparation was entirely examined by optical microscopy at 400 × to detect the presence of protozoa by comparison with atlas ...
Legionella pneumophilais an opportunistic human pathogen that causes a type of severe pneumonia calledLegionnaire’s disease1. It also has natural hosts among protozoa2. The bacterium translocates into the cytosol of the host a plethora of effector proteins that hijack cell functions to create a spec...
After obtaining a transformed plant in which the Vrs1 gene of the present invention, a mutant thereof, or a DNA suppressing the Vrs1 gene expression has been introduced into the chromosome, progenies can be obtained by sexual or asexual reproduction from the plant. Further, propagation materials...
Experimental approaches are now necessary to examine the functions of the many unique CCCH proteins as well as the function of the putative Mex67 and the Leishmania 3'-5' exoribonuclease.Background Pathogenic kinetoplastid protozoa, such as the widely studied 'Tritryps' Trypanosoma cruzi (Tc), ...
Lysozyme also causes viral deactivation by directly binding to negatively charged virus protein, DNA, RNA and apoprotein of virus (Yu et al., 2013). Besides antimicrobial activity, lysozymes also play a major role in digestion, reproduction and growth stimulation (Irwin et al., 1992; Irwin, ...
of Artificial Intelligence in AquacultureAquaculture and Reproduction of Marine FishesAquatic Biodiversity Challenges in the Third MillenniumAquatic Organisms for Environmental MonitoringAquatic Toxicology, Fish Physiology and Aquaculture Research in Zebrafish ModelBiology and Control of Invasive FishesBuilding a ...