Such clonal phenotypic variation has evolved independently in phylogenetically distant parasitic protozoa under similar selective pressure: the need for phenotypic diversity at several steps of their life cycle. Here, I review clonal phenotypic variation processes, outline their role in parasite biology and...
Bobyleva, N.N. Parazitologiia 7 (5) 392-400 1973 ISSN/ISBN:0031-1847 017024452 Article emailed within 1 workday Payments are secure & encrypted
Richmond RH, Jokiel PL (in press) Lunar periodicity in larva release in the reef coral Pocillopora damicornis at Enewetak and Hawaii. Bull Mar Sci Rinkevich B, Loya Y (1979a) The reproduction of the Red Sea coral Stylophora pistillata. I. Gonads and planulae. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 1:133–...
Sexual reproduction (conjugation) in protozoan ciliates is induced by specific cell-cell interactions between cells of complementary mating types. The ancestral ciliate Blepharisma japonicum has two mating types, I and II. The substances that act as signaling molecules in this extracellular interaction ...
Furthermore, the obligatory phase of sexual reproduction in the mosquito midgut is not only prerequisite for transmission, but also enables meiotic recombination between genomes, with the consequent production of parasites with re-assorted genotypes. It results in new combinations of polymorphic genes, ...
Three common systemic human fungal pathogens — Cryptococcus neoformans, Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus — have retained all the machinery to engage in sexual reproduction, and yet their populations are often clonal with limited evidence for recombination. Striking parallels have emerged with fo...
However, gonochorism (89%) in octocorals predominates, and hermaphro- ditism is relatively rare, in stark contrast to scleractinians. Mode of reproduction is relatively plas- tic and evenly split between broadcast spawning (49%) and the 2 forms of brooding (internal 40% and external 11%)...
Sporulation (the formation of spores) is one method of asexual reproduction among protozoa and certain plants. A spore is a reproductive cell that produces a new organism without fertilization. In certain lower forms of animals (e.g. hydra), and in yeasts, budding is a common form of ...
“Effect of sanitation and water treatment on intestinal protozoa infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis.” The Lancet Infectious Diseases 16.1 (2016): 87-99. Pillai, Raja R., et al. “Lysine requirements of moderately undernourished school-aged Indian children are reduced by treatment ...
This diversity is also mirrored in their characteristic life cycles that exhibit various facets of ploidy and duration of the asexual phase as well as gamete morphology. Nevertheless, sexual reproduction in unicellular and colonial algae usually has as common motive that two specialized, sexually ...