Type of fatty acids, lipoprotein secretion from liver and fatty liver syndrome in laying hens. Inter. J. of Poult. Sc. 4:917-919.Aydin, R. (2005). Type of Fatty Acids , Lipoprotein Secretion from Liver and Fatty Liver Syndrome in Laying Hens. International Journal of Poultry Science 4,...
Regarding lipid metabolism during the first two trimesters of pregnancy, the maternal body accumulates fat, whereas in late pregnancy, the lipolytic activity in the maternal adipose tissue is increased. However, an excess or deficiency of certain fatty acids may lead to adverse consequences to the...
The effect of dietary fatty acids on the formation and growth of intra-arterial occlusive thrombi in rats was investigated. It appeared that fats containing a large amount of saturated fatty acids promote arterial thrombus formation, whereas dietary linoleic acid has a specific anti-thrombotic effect...
Fatty acids have a great influence on the process of lymphocyte apoptosis which is considered as a modulating factor of immune response in both humans and animals. However the mechanism underlying the function of fatty acids in the process of lymphocyte apoptosis is not fully understood. In this ...
1.Fatty Acid Type of Ralstonia solanacearum Strains and the Relationship with Pathogenicity青枯雷尔氏菌脂肪酸型与致病性的关系 2.The Effect of Fatty Acids on the Expression of Adiponectin and Adiponectin Receptors mRNA in 3T3-L1 Adipocytes in Vitro;不同类型脂肪酸对3T3-L1脂肪细胞脂联素及其受体表达的...
Fats are digested to fatty acids and glycerol. As the reaction proceeds, the solution will become what type of pH? Why?Macromolecules:Biological macromolecules are made up of monomers joined together through condensation polymerization reactions. The common four ...
Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) which are by-products of fiber fermentation by colonic microbiota, have proven anticancer effects on CRC, including – among others – inhibition of cell proliferation, induction of apoptosis, and maintaining barrier integrity; SCFAs have also been characterized as ...
Free fatty acids in obesity and type2 diabetes: defining their role in the development of insulin resistance and β-cell dysfunction Boden G,Shulman Gl.Free fatty acids in obesity and type 2 diabetes: defining their role in the development of insulin resistance and beta-cell ... G Boden,GI...
摘要: Context:. Mono- and polyunsaturated fats may have opposing effects on vitamin D absorption.Objective:. The purpose of this study was to determine whet关键词:Humans Osteoporosis Calcium Dietary Fats Fatty Acids, Monounsaturated Vitamin D Double-Blind Method Energy Metabolism Energy Intake ...
H-FABP General information Fatty acid binding proteins (FABPs) are a group of proteins that are responsible for the transportation of fatty acids and lipophilic materials into or out of cells[4]. There are several W\SHVRIWLVVXHVSHFLÀF)$%3VLQFOXGLQJOLYHUW\SHLQWHVWLQDO...