@thi.ng/hiccup-html-parse changelog HTML parsing & transformation to hiccup format @thi.ng/hiccup-markdown changelog Hiccup-to-Markdown serialization @thi.ng/hiccup-svg changelog hiccup based SVG vocab @thi.ng/iges changelog IGES format geometry serialization @thi.ng/markdown-table changelog Mark...
Regarding competence-associated genes (n = 22), all were present in all strains, including the recently described comG operon (SP_1808 and SP_2047-53), encoding for a type-IV transformation pilus (Table 3) [31]. In addition, comC and comD alleles were determined by PCR for the ...
(16S ribosomal RNA gene, hrcR gene and fungal ITS region) were ligated into the pGEM-T easy vector (Promega) according to the manufac- turer's protocol. The ligation products were intro- duced into E. coli MM294 competent cells (Sylphium Life Sciences) by transformation accord- ing to ...
Yanming Che1,2, Leifeng Zhang1,2 & Qijin Chen1,2 Ultracold two-component Fermi gases with a tunable population imbalance have provided an excellent opportunity for studying the exotic Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) states, which have been of great interest in condensed matter ...
1 parent 1d2f76e commit c6547de Show file tree Hide file tree Showing 93 changed files with 339 additions and 339 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified compiler/qsc_eval/src tests.rs katas/content KatasLibrary.qs getting_started/flip_qubit Placeholder.qs Solution.qs...
JapanandChinahaveincreasedinvestmentinbasicresearch.TheUnitedStatesandtheUnitedKingdom strengthenthetransformationofbasicresearchachievementsthroughthereform ofbasicresearchfundinginstitutions.In 2020,quantum informationscienceandartificialintelligencearestillthefocusofattentionofallcountries.Inaddition,the UnitedStatesattaches...