Studies have indicated that the instability of amino acids at elevated temperatures is primarily attributed to their propensity for complex chemical transformations, including pyrolysis, dehydration, oxidation, and polymerization. These reactions may alter the molecular structure of amino acids, significantly ...
The VOIs mentioned in the MRI section were aligned on the corresponding PET image in the native space by combined transformations with ANTs using the images and the registration matrices resulting from the construction of the templates described above. We extracted the mean SUVr values obtained with...
How does one do transformations in geometry? How is a Dodecahedron constructed? How is a tessellation related to transformation? Why can regular hexagons be used to tile a floor? What are the symmetry properties of a regular octahedron and a cube?
Variability is also present in the forward model in the form of variability in movement planning11,12,17,18,19,20,21 which might result from the stochastic nature of neuronal processes in sensorimotor transformations. We referred to it as “planning variability”, and it directly affects the ...
You must log in to answer this question. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged linear-algebra linear-transformations. Featured on Meta We’re (finally!) going to the cloud! Updates to the upcoming Community Asks Sprint Related 8 Regarding a...
In this paper, for the first time in literature, a comparison between the homography and similarity transformations is performed. In particular, the comparison is carried out by using three recently released public datasets, i.e., NPU Drone-Map, senseFly, and UAV Mosaicking and Change Detection...
Digital distance transformations provide helpful tools for representation and description of object shape in digital images. The resulting distance transforms should be stable under translation and rotation. To this end, the Euclidean distance is approximated. We present results for distance transforms for...
Khaters AH, El-Kalaawy H, Helal MA (1997) Two new classes of exact solutions for the KdV equation via Bäcklund transformations. Chaos Solitons Fractals 8(12):1901–1909 MathSciNet ADS Google Scholar Helal MA (2001) A Chebyshev spectral method for solving Korteweg–de Vries equation with...
Transformations of mechanical into chemical energy; part III, action of shearing stress continued. Am. J. Sci. s3-47, 377–382 (1894). Article Google Scholar Boldyrev, V. V., Avakumow, E. G., Strugowa, L. I., Harenz, H. & Heinicke, G. Zur Tribochemischen Zersetzung von ...
Xie S, Girshick R, Dollár P, Tu Z, He K (2017) Aggregated residual transformations for deep neural networks. In: 30TH IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (CVPR 2017), pp. 5987–5995. Zhu X, Pang J, Yang C, Shi J, Lin ...