% 这样用repmat() 操作后赋值给Matrix矩阵, 现在 matlab命令行下的Matrix 是刚新修改的矩阵了, 但是磁盘中的Matrix.txt文本的内容还是没有修改之前的内容 %也就是说matrix.txt中的矩阵还是只有Matrix , 而不是现在用repmat()修改之后的10个Matrix的10行1列的Matrix内容的新的Matrix矩阵 %保存新的Matrix矩阵到磁盘...
打开文件(注意修改文件名)fid = fopen('480684994.txt','rt');if fid == 0, return, end% 读文件直到结束 while ~feof(fid)每次读入一行 s = fgetl(fid);% 以空格作为数据项的分隔符
Import text + data txt file into a matrix. Learn more about import txt, semicolon, data, matrix, separated file MATLAB
fid = fopen([dirMain,'test.txt'],'wt');% Create txt if the txt not existmatrix =round(rand(4,5) *100); [m, n] =size(matrix);fori=1: mforj=1: nifj== n fprintf(fid,'%4f\n', matrix(i,j));% \n: new lineelsefprintf(fid,'%4f\t', matrix(i,j));% \t: horizontal...
What kind of matrix are you wanting? Numeric matrices must have the same number of elements in each row. Did you want the missing values to be filled in with NaN or with 0, or did you want to use a cell array?
[Copy to clipboard][ - ] CODE: % Load the file to the matrix, M : M = load('sample_file.txt') % Add 5 to M : M = M +5 % Save M to a .mat file called 'sample_file_plus5.mat': save sample_file_plus5 M % Save M to an ASCII .txt file called 'sample_file_plus5....
mp-matrix -w psi2 -o iMPS.txt 二.将txt文件转化成mat文件 1. cp transform_iMPStxt_to_mat.m~/Wen/HardCode/alpha_0.0/data_alpha_0.0/8/ 在运算文件夹内准备好.m文件 2. matlab -nojvm -nodesktop < transform_iMPStxt_to_mat.m 打开不带图形框的matlab ...
Example 1: Using DLMREAD to read in a file with headers, text, and numeric data % This reads in the file 'sample_file2.txt' and creates a matrix, D, % with the numeric data this command specifies a white space as the % delimiter of the file D = dlmread('sample_file.txt','') ...
C=readfile('output.txt');%read the file to a cell array Ca=C(2618:3484);%select the lines %process every line to doubles Cb=cellfun(@(x) sscanf(x,'%f'),Ca,'UniformOutput',false); %convert to matrix out=cell2mat(Cb)';