M = load('sample_file.txt') % Add 5 to M : M = M +5 % Save M to a .mat file called 'sample_file_plus5.mat': save sample_file_plus5 M % Save M to an ASCII .txt file called 'sample_file_plus5.txt' : save sample_file_plus5.txt M -ascii UIGETFILE/UIPUTFILE UIGETFILE/...
% Load the file to the matrix, M : M = load('sample_file.txt') % Add 5 to M : M = M +5 % Save M to a .mat file called 'sample_file_plus5.mat': save sample_file_plus5 M % Save M to an ASCII .txt file called 'sample_file_plus5.txt' : save sample_file_plus5.txt...
Example:用LOADandSAVE读写数据 [Copytoclipboard][-]CODE:%Loadthefiletothematrix,M:M=load('sample_file.txt')%Add5toM:M=M+5%SaveMtoa.matfilecalled'sample_file_plus5.mat':savesample_file_plus5M%SaveMtoanASCII.txtfilecalled'sample_file_plus5.txt':savesample_file_plus5.txtM-asciiUIGETFILE/...
fid = fopen([dirMain,'test.txt'],'wt');% Create txt if the txt not existmatrix =round(rand(4,5) *100); [m, n] =size(matrix);fori=1: mforj=1: nifj== n fprintf(fid,'%4f\n', matrix(i,j));% \n: new lineelsefprintf(fid,'%4f\t', matrix(i,j));% \t: horizontal...
Import text + data txt file into a matrix. Learn more about import txt, semicolon, data, matrix, separated file MATLAB
用LOAD and SAVE 读写数据 CODE: % Load the file to the matrix, M : M = load('sample_file.txt') % Add 5 to M : M = M +5 % Save M to a .mat file called 'sample_file_plus5.mat': save sample_file_plus5 M % Save M to an ASCII .txt file called 'sample_file_plus5.txt...
用LOAD and SAVE 读写数据 % Load the file to the matrix, M : M = load('sample_file.txt') % Add 5 to M : M = M +5 % Save M to a .mat file called 'sample_file_plus5.mat': save sample_file_plus5 M % Save M to an ASCII...
可以在command window中输入load test.txt ,然后就会产生一个test的数据文件,内容跟test.txt中的数据一样; 另一种方法是使用窗口菜单:file/import data.../next/finish 也可产生一个叫test的数据文件。 我个人觉得用第一种方式较好。因为有些时候,特别是fx.txt 的一行种有多个数据时用load就比较麻烦了。 中英...
Read .txt file into a matrixFollow 1 view (last 30 days) Show older comments red981 on 30 Nov 2020 Vote 0 Link Edited: red981 on 30 Nov 2020 Accepted Answer: Ameer Hamza Hi! I would like to ask for suggestions on how could I read the data downloaded in a .txt document from: ...