Atwo-temperatureRT- PCR was developed and optimized for the detection of Taura syndrome virus (TSV). 设计了一对能扩增大小为231bp对虾Taura综合征病毒 (TSV)某段基因的特异性引物 ,优化建立了能快速检测TSV的二温式RT-PCR。 更多例句>> 2) two-temperature pcr ...
PCR设计引物时出现 Two-temperature PCR recommended: (70°/94°)什么意思啊 我想从细菌基因组里扩增两个基因,之前设计了两对引物,这两对引物的上下游Tm值相差都在10左右,试了很多条件,一直P不出来,后来我就重新设计了引物,结果出现标题的提示,是什么意思啊?我的引物都在28-31nt,是太长了么?高手帮忙解答一...
two-temperature-PCR 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. Detection of Infectious Bronchitis Virus and Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus by Two-temperature PCR 应用二温式多重PCR技术鉴别鸡传染性支气管炎病毒和鸡传染性喉气管炎病毒© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
这是该软件建议用2步PCR。要看你用的taq酶的活性温度。如果是70°,就可以用。你这个情况我建议试试这2种方法:touch-down PCR 和 nested PCR。或者把引物的位置向外挪一点,不要刚好在基因的起始点。“两对引物的上下游Tm值相差都在10左右”,PCR是可以出来的。
网络释义 1. 双温模型 双温交换过程的英语 dual... ... ) two-stage temperature refrigerator: 双温冰箱 )two-temperature model:双温模型...|基于 1 个网页
A two-temperature pneumatic thermostat control system having an output device, a two-level source of pneumatic pressure, a first temperature sensor for controlling the flow of pneumatic fluid from the source to the device when the source is at a first level thereof, a second temperature sensor ...
Two-Temperature Model enables/disables the Two-Temperature Model. Only available for the density-based solver. 双温度模型 启用/关闭双温度模型,双温度模型只能在密度基求解器中可用。 When using the density-based solver, atwo-temperature modelis available for simulating the thermal non-equilibrium phenomen...
Two-Temperature Process:两个温度的方法.pdf CHIN. PHYS. LETT. Vol. 28, No. 3 (2011) 036101 Growth of Zinc Blende GaAs/AlGaAs Radial Heterostructure Nanowires by a Two-Temperature Process * GUO Jing-Wei(郭经纬) ** , HUANG Hui(黄辉), REN Xiao-Min(任晓敏), YAN Xin(颜鑫), CAI Shi-Wei...
A two-temperature chemically non-equilibrium model describing in a self-consistent manner the heat transfer, the plasma chemistry, the electric and magnetic field in a high-current free-burning arc in argon has been developed. The model is aimed at unifying the description of a thermionic tungsten...
In this paper a two-temperature plasma model is established and applied to the injection of cold gases into an atmospheric-pressure, high-intensity argon arc. The required nonequilibrium plasma composition and the non-equilibrium transport properties are also calculated. The results show that the arc...