Available online: https://github. com/vincentcasseau/hyStrath/ (accessed on 5 December 2016). Aerospace 2016, 3, 45 14 of 15 4. Casseau, V.; Palharini, R.C.; Scanlon, T.J.; Brown, R.E. A Two-Temperature Open-Source CFD Model for Hypersonic Reacting Flows, Part One: Zero-...
Thus, the final model included only time, temperature and infection as fixed effects and no interactions (Table 2). Time had a positive effect, and both temperature and infection with M. orientalis had negative effects on mussel shell growth (Fig. 3, Table 2). Across all temperatures, the ...
% git clone https://github.com/nasa/legacy-mars-global-climate-model.gitThis will produce a directory called legacy-mars-global-climate-model. Navigate into that directory and list its contents:% cd legacy-mars-global-climate-model % ls -l...
A fire detector IoT application implemented in Model RealTime. The application is intended to be deployed on a Raspberry Pi which has at least two connected temperature sensors. The application communicates with the Google IoT cloud service over MQTT. This example shows both incoming and outgoing ...
[95]. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using the neighbor-joining method, with the P distance matrix calculated using VCF2Dis (https://github.com/BGI-shenzhen/VCF2Dis). Visualization of the tree was carried out using tvBOT [96]. The kinship was conducted with Plink and KING software (...
//doi.org/10.25921/57j8-vs18and is accessible via the NOAA/WDS Paleo Data landing page athttps://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/study/29593. Composites and principal component datasets generated for this paper are available through GitHub athttps://github.com/nickmckay/iso2kNatureGeoscience2023and ...
Controller for a Mitsubishi air conditioner (Model FDC508HES3) Provides mqtt control of the airconditioner using the serial communications link that runs between Mitsubishi's RCD-H-E remote control unit and the CNB port on the air conditioner's control board. Also provides the ability to control...
Future research will focus on combining the advantages of TIR and microwave LST from polar and geostationary satellites, ground-based observations, and model output data to derive a global, gap-free LST product. 4. Conclusions In this research, we proposed the TISP method to reconstruct actual ...
% git clone https://github.com/nasa/legacy-mars-global-climate-model.gitThis will produce a directory called legacy-mars-global-climate-model. Navigate into that directory and list its contents:% cd legacy-mars-global-climate-model % ls -l...