the University has violated their employee rights," the union wrote in one of its submissions to the labor relations board.The union saysits workers were not only rallying against the war in Gaza but also seeking ways to remove academic research funding sourcestied to the U....
Using the case-of-the-week format — and Madeline’s sneakiness as she makes progress toward her revenge —Matlock Season 1addressed issues such as the way women are and were treated in the workplace and how older people, especially older women, are seen as less capable than they are. It...
美国心理学家Frederick Hertzberg的二因素理论(Two Factor Theory)试图证明,个人对工作的态度在很大程度上决定着任务的成功与失败,Hertzberg研究证明,个人对工作的满意与否受两个因素制约:能给人们带来满意和心理成长的因素,通常都是工作内在的,即由工作本身所决定的激励因素(Motivation Factors); 而引起人们不满意的往往...
To further strengthen the validity of the assessments, other sources of feedback could be used. The supervisors discussed involving patients in the assessments and concluded that this could reduce subjectivity in the assessments and add other perspectives to the assessment. Further research is needed ...
Effectiveness and efficiency of search methods in systematic reviews of complex evidence: audit of primary sources. BMJ. 2005;331(7524):1064–5. PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Dixon SJ, Creaby MW, Allsopp AJ. Comparison of static and dynamic biomechanical measures in military recruits with...
Yet, empirical studies also suggest profitability indicators are important measures of financial constraints because unprofitable firms not only fail to finance their investments from internal sources but also face difficulties obtaining new debt financing at an acceptable cost (Fernández de Guevara et al...
The current two-sample investigation explores the role of enactment as a boundary condition in the relationship between experienced incivility and workplace outcomes (i.e., job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior [OCB], and turnover intent). We integrate the tenets of the transactional ...
functionality, testing and materials that all work well together. The ERGO premium desk was inspired by the pain and fatigue caused by improper workstations that plague many offices, as well as the requirements for extra cooling power as the faithful laptop becomes the workplace tool of choice....
Al- though we sought to combine various sources of data to limit bias and achieve a comprehensive assessment of provider multitasking, we acknowledge that our observa- tional measures do not convey the full complexity of ED's operational and sociotechnical care system [20, 21]. The external ...
Building on these notions, this study provides information on the pandemic’s impact in terms of well-being and workplace measures, particularly in two Nordic countries. The pandemic situation in Norway and Finland has been less severe during the time of the study, and applied restrictions may ...