My first love in military history was – and still is – Arnhem. For family reasons the airborne battle in Holland in September 1944 has always been very close to me, and I’ve spent years poring over every book I can possibly find on the subject. Even when I have been working on rad...
Chua –“Are you sure? The word “Marine” in French Troupes de Marine refers to “Colonial” troops which is the heritage of those units.” Correct. Aside from the SF regiment and the 9th brigade, are simply army units that carry the name for historical reasons. Azlan “Up to the ...
The English language is a tricky bugger. We have so many words that mean different things. Take actual masking which everyone has become intimately involved with in the last three years (or not). One form of masking is visible with some kind of face covering. The other is not so visible ...