Articles are about how women with kids are penalized in their career, which is 100% true, but I have for SURE been at the end of the misogynistic stick and not had the same opportunities as men for different reasons. Which is largely why I created my own nearly five years ago. While ...
My first love in military history was – and still is – Arnhem. For family reasons the airborne battle in Holland in September 1944 has always been very close to me, and I’ve spent years poring over every book I can possibly find on the subject. Even when I have been working on rad...
Correct. Aside from the SF regiment and the 9th brigade, are simply army units that carry the name for historical reasons. Azlan “Up to the mid 1990’s the only means of dealing with bunkers or AFVs were the Gustavs operated by the Support Company’s and (as a desperate measure) Ba...