Flow-Cytometric Isolation of Testicular Germ Cells from Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Carrying the Green Fluorescent Protein Gene Driven by Trout vas... There is a need to isolate different populations of spermatogenic cells to investigate the molecular events that occur during spermatogenesis. Her...
gustducin with a Renilla luciferase variant (RLuc8) inserted within the alpha-helical region along with an unlabelled beta subunit and a gamma subunit with GFP2 inserted at the N-terminus. This BRET-based system has been calibrated for optimal detection of agonist-induced heterotrimer dissociation...
Flagella are crucial for colonization of the human gut by many bacterial pathogens. They mediate not only chemotaxis towards the epithelial lining, but also adhesion to host cells, immunogenicity, and even secretion of virulence factors1,2,3,4. The biogenesis of these complex, multi-component mole...
These findings are expected to be useful for applications involving rapid labeling of cells deep in tissue. Since the discovery of photoactivable green fluorescent protein (paGFP) in 20021, considerable attention has been placed on finding and engineering various phototransformable reporters, particularly...
The spatiotemporal regulation of immune cells in lymph nodes (LNs) is crucial for mounting protective T-cell responses, which are orchestrated by dendritic cells (DCs). However, it is unclear how the DC subsets are altered by the inflammatory milieu of LNs. Here, we show that the inflamed ...
BACKGROUND: The objectives of this research were 1) to determine whether two populations of platelets may be labeled with different levels of biotin and followed concurrently in vivo by flow cytometry and 2) to determine whether the level of biotinylation affects the in vivo platelet recovery and...
(I) Average values for Edu-positive and negative S phase populations of MDA MB 231 cells after Gwl depletion and or Wee1 inhibition. Values are from three independent experiments; N = 10,000 per experiment; error bars indicate SD (see Figure S4D for quantification of all cell-cycle phases...
For example, in a single 13-day experiment, we observe resistance levels in our evolving bacterial populations that approach the trimethoprim solubility limit in minimal (M9) media. As for the CRISPRi-based growth rate measurements, we conducted the forward evolution experiments in M9 minimal media...
Bitter taste receptors (TAS2Rs), a subfamily of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) expressed orally and extraorally, elicit signaling in response to a large set of tastants. Among 25 functional TAS2Rs encoded in the human genome, TAS2R14 is the most pro
cells in cell culture at room temperature (i.e. 21–24 °C) and under natural conditions (body temperature: 34.5–35.5 °C) and found a temperature-dependent decrease of about 50%. That temperature represents an important parameter in detection ofin vivoGFP fluorescence has already ...