Two concepts of liberty 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet. 744 THE LANCET • Vol 363 • February 28, 2004 • DISSECTING ROOM I remember a lecture during my palliative care module at medical school. The speaker ...
two concepts of liberty(两种自由概念英语版) 下载积分: 150 内容提示: READING 1‘Two Concepts of Liberty’Isaiah BerlinIimsaiahaportBeantrlin’spieceesssaoyf‘postTwo-wCaonrcepts of Liberty’* is one of the mosttohis aslecture in Oxford in 1958poandlithaicals beephilnosopmuchhy.diItsc...
而著名的《Two Concepts of Liberty》還有下面這個譯本。我已不記得該譯本來自何處(可能是我自己從網上下載或複製,也有可能是別人寄給我),也不知道出自何人之手(以下稱之爲佚名、佚名譯本)。 總體上講,胡傳勝的譯本優於佚名譯本。胡傳勝較爲忠於原著的句式;佚名句式靈活,如調整詞序(我看不出有何必要)、用幾個...
two concepts of liberty(两种自由概念英语版)_英语考试_外语学习_教育专区 two concepts of liberty(两种自由概念英语版) READING 1 Isaiah Berlin ‘Two Concepts of Liberty’ Isaiah Berlin’s essay ‘Two Concepts of Liberty’* is one of the most important pieces of post-war political philosophy. It ...
Two central questions on liberty: (1) its realm (how wide the area of freedom is or should be); (2) its source (liberty given by whom? governed or limited by whom?) Two cases for positive freedom: (1) Economic/social/political equality, fraternity, etc. are also freedom; ...
Two concepts of libertydoi:10.1016/S0140-6736(04)15657-2Druin BurchThe LancetBurch D. Two concepts of liberty. Lancet 2004;363:744.
Two Concepts or Two Liberties?——My understanding of Berlin's Two Concepts of Liberty 在线阅读 下载PDF 引用 收藏 分享 摘要 伯林首先是一个思想史家。解读他在《两种自由概念》中所使用的"消极自由"和"积极自由",主要是用以概括和考察以往政治思想史两种不同类型的思想家们对自由的理解,而不是为了直接...
Berlin, Isaiah. 2002 . “Two Concepts of Liberty”. In Liberty: Incorporating Four Essays on Liberty , Edited by: Hardy, Henry. Oxford: Oxford Universi... EBH Hardy 被引量: 74发表: 2002年 Irony in the Age of Empire There is no equivalent in our literature to John Stuart Mill's On...
Sir Isaiah Berlin is the author of one of the most important works on political philosophy written in the twentieth century - 'Two Concepts of Liberty'. In the essay, he distinguishes between two types of liberty. Negative liberty is simply being left alone to do whatever one wants to do,...
6 Occasionally the vocabulary of rights involves a discussion of positivity and negativ- ity derived from Isaiah Berlins famous distinction of positive and negative liberties in his Two Concepts of Liberty, in Four Essays on Liberty (New York: Oxford University Press, 1969), 118-72.However, in...