HackerRank 'Between Two Sets' SolutionMartin Kysel · May 16, 2019coding-challenge hackerrank python Short Problem Definition: You will be given two arrays of integers and asked to determine all integers that satisfy the following two conditions: The elements of the first array are all factors of...
https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/two-strings/leaderboard/filter/language=csharp Before you read the solution, can you think about using C# Hashset, Dictionary, String.Contains, Hashset.Overlap method, string.indexOf, Hashtable, string.Intersect etc. solve the problem? Hashset, Dictionary, S...
Solution 02 Pseudocode Credits: GeeksForGeeks Create an array arr3 of length/size arr1 + arr2 . Simultaneously traverse arr1 and arr2. Pick smaller of current elements in arr1 and arr2 , copy this smaller element to the next position in arr3 and move ahead in arr3 and the array whose...