New research suggests that speaking more than one language may delay different kinds of dementia(痴呆),that is the loss of mental ability.In fact,researchers say,speaking two languages appears to be more important than the level of education in defending against dementias.A study in India examined...
The self-templating nature of prions plays a central role in prion pathogenesis and is associated with infectivity and transmissibility. Since propagation of proteopathic seeds has now been acknowledged a principal pathogenic process in many types of dementia, more insight into the molecular mechanism ...
for the human brain.This is true not only for young children but also for adults and people at risk from dementia(痴呆),where research consistently shows that learning a new language could delay the start of the disease for four to five years—a better result than with any ...
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), also referred to as “acne inversa” (AI), is defined as a chronic, inflammatory, and recurrent skin follicular disease characterized by painful, deep-seated lesions in areas of the body with apocrine glands [1]. Although the diagnostic criteria for HS have been...
He began his research career as amedical studentworking on cancer vaccines and later focused on the biology of Alzheimer's and Fragile X Syndrome—a genetic condition that causes intellectual disability. Then, more than a decade ago, Edbauer turned his attention to ALS as a result of a Eureka...
We all know that equipment being used for various purposes on the site is solid and tough and apart from being strong it is heavy. Moving machines easily is not easy on the working site as different areas are dug and it becomes dangerous to move them. As the ground is not levelled prop...
The article informs that a dementia research project by Great Britain's Medical Research Council aims to improve detection, treatment and prevention of dementia cover two million people along with views of Martin Prince, co-director of the Centre for Global Mental Health in London, England, on ...
The success rate of the pharmaceutical research and development (R&D) for dementia drugs has been abysmally low, in the last two decades. Also low has been the number of pipeline drugs in development, compared to other therapy areas. However, the rationale of early terminations has not been re...
The presence of dementia and either stroke, diabetes or visual impairment tended to increase the likelihood of a range of different services being used over having any of the health conditions alone. There has been a shift to the use of unpaid care over time. There is now increased use of ...
However, it is worth noting that the algorithms we propose can be generalized to other ICD code prediction areas beyond the ICU with further experiments. To predict ICD-9 codes using both text and time-dependent numerical data, we utilize the noteevents, chartevents, inputevents and labevents ...