从上周起,Twitter开始在首页右侧边栏测试名为“Who to follow”的用户推荐功能。在推讯统计的正下方,你可以看到Twitter推荐的用户,点开“查看所有(view all)”链接,你可以发现这些推荐是根据你已经关注的用户和他们所关注的用户来决定的。 从上周起,Twitter开始在首页右侧边栏测试名为“Who to follow”的用户推荐功...
失败蓝鲸并没有灭绝,仍会不断出现。 推荐功能“Who To Follow”进行扩充 “Who To Follow”功能现在推荐四个用户,原来是两个。 转发图层 再转发推讯时,你可以看到一个专门的图层,更明确地提示你将转发该消息。上面大大的蓝色Yes按钮十分醒目。 发送带有图片的推讯时可以看到图片 以前在Twitter上发图只能看到一个...
FRS, 为follow-recommendations-service的缩写,一个给用户推荐关注的服务(Who-To-Follow ),使用GraphJet、RealGraph、SimClusters等社区发现的特征。 Heavy Ranker(粗/精排) 粗排 负责粗排的有两个基于LR的模型,分别用于In-Network source的Earlybird和OUT-of-Network 的tweet排序。在In-Network的粗排中,特征及其处理...
If you're not sure who to follow on X/Twitter, I'll help you get started. Whether you're looking to connect with other professionals in your field, get inspired to change your life or just have a laugh, this post will cover all bases. X/Twitter is a goldmine of content that can b...
Twitter 的推荐关注精准之处在于采用“机器学习”技术和“数据挖掘”。它通过分析用户的历史行为和关注对象,如他们的 tweet 标签、关注者列表和被转发的 tweet,来构建一个数据集,并将其分类,以判断用户可能感兴趣的话题和内容。它还会分析用户之间的相似性,以及与用户情感相关的言论,从而提供更加精准的内容推荐。
Mark Suster
By - Saiful Islam Inspiration May 23, 2024 Leave a comment on The 30 Top WordPress Influencers on Twitter: Who to Follow Are you eager to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of WordPress? Whether you’re a seasoned developer, a budding designer, or a curious content creat...
Latest Who to Follow on Twitter Articles Maximize Value Venture Capital Experts to Follow on Twitter Venture capital is such a huge subject that it's tough to separate the posers from expert opinion. So, we decided to compile a list of the most influential voices in… By: John Carvalho...
* 1.0.4: - 修正推特稍作改动后的顶部导航链接。 * 1.0.3: - 修正了“根据您关注的人等为您推荐的 Twitter 帐户。”。 * 1.0.2: - 修正页面 twitter.com/#!/who_to_follow/suggestions。 * 1.0.1 - 修正页面“twitter.com/#!/who_to_follow”。 * 1.0.0 - 初始发行。 评分...
I’ve often wondered about this myself– who are the best people to follow for news, for insight, etc. Thank you for the time it must have taken to compile this! Reply Mira Musank June 5, 2013 The first thing I did after reading this blog post is following all the IFB team ...