从上周起,Twitter开始在首页右侧边栏测试名为“Who to follow”的用户推荐功能。在推讯统计的正下方,你可以看到Twitter推荐的用户,点开“查看所有(view all)”链接,你可以发现这些推荐是根据你已经关注的用户和他们所关注的用户来决定的。 从上周起,Twitter开始在首页右侧边栏测试名为“Who to follow”的用户推荐功...
Following the right people can expose you to new social media marketing strategy ideas, spark inspiration, and connect you with people, industries, and interests that might change everything. But who should you follow? How do you choose? How to Choose the Best Twitter Accounts to Follow Choosin...
Now you can see those Twitter accounts who unfollowed you on Twitter. To keep your unfollower stats at a desired level, you can select those accounts and unfollow them on Twitter if you wish. At this point, you can compare delivered Twitter unfollower stats to find out who unfollowed you on...
” said Dalana Brand, chief people officer at Twitter.“If Legal 246 Legal Twitter Expenses International 246 20 career experts to follow on Twitter Practically Perfect PA APRIL 19, 2018 So, today, I thought I would share my top 20 career experts you should all be ...
Mark Suster
This application will be able to: Read tweets from your timeline See who you follow and follow new people Update your profile Find Tweets for you Will not be able to: Access your Direct Messages See your email address See your Twitter passwordIn other words, a fairly standard Twitter...
This is reportedly a work of a bug affecting Twitter Circle, causing private group posts to be shared even with people who are not supposed to view them.
Caskey describes himself as “just a guy trying to help people run things in the cloud.” He focuses on SRE, operations, monitoring, and DevOps with very few personal comments and lots of re-tweeting of prominent folks in the field. David Blank-Edelman | @otterbook In his role as Senior...
twitter上你follow什么人都是公开的。只是相当于系统帮我一键把你follow的人关注了(当然实际没关注)//@潜水员:不知道我也刚看到。估计是default是可以被偷窥。但是可以有机质或者选项制止偷窥//@tytom: 这个有价值。有违法可能吗? 引用:2011-05-30 09:39 原帖已被作者删除...
22. You’re 2.3x more likely to meet your KPIs if you market new product launches on Twitter As you can see, including Twitter in your launch plans is essential. Twitter users like to try new things, so it’s a great product discovery platform and place to market new releases. ...