The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street: Directed by Ron Winston. With Rod Serling, Claude Akins, Barry Atwater, Jack Weston. On a peaceful suburban street, strange occurrences and mysterious people stoke the residents' paranoia to a disastrous intensity.
Serling knew that writing a show for Ed Wynn would help distinguish Twilight Zone. Dana Dillaway: "I was eight years old during the summer when I did that episode. And how lucky I was to work with Ed Wynn." Two other beautiful shots - Ed and Murray walking down the street, with the...
Perhaps the most beloved "Twilight Zone" episode, "Time Enough at Last" starred Burgess Meredith as a bookworm who would much rather escape into the worlds of Dickens, Shaw and Shakespeare than deal with testy bank customers or a hen-pecking wife. As he hides out in his bank's vault to ...
Twilight Zone became the Citizen Kane of television. It became the standard by which all great anthology series are compared. And few have come close to said level of excellence. Although it probably hasn't ever been mentioned, Serling likely titled the episode somewhat after the popular science...
32: The Monsters Are On Maple Street In this remake of the original TZ's ""The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street,"" a neighborhood is terrorized by mysterious power outages and begin to turn on each other. Wednesday, February 26th, 2003 ...
The Twilight Zone (2002) (a Titles & Air Dates Guide)Last updated: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 -1:00 Show Details: Start date: Sep 2002 End date: May 2003 Status: cancelled/ended Network(s): UPN (US) Run time: 30 min Episodes: 44 eps Genre(s): Drama, Science Fiction Credits: anthology ...
迷离时空(原版) 第一季 The Twilight Zone Season 1第22集 疑心生鬼 本集中文名:疑心生鬼 本集原名:The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street 播放时间:1960-03-04星期五(当地时间) 剧情简介: On a peaceful suburban street, strange occurrences and mysterious people stoke the residents' paranoia to a disas...
StoriesHere's the thing: Rod Serling didn't really like being the narrator of The Twilight Zone Blur quiz: Twilight Zone episodes These classic characters in ''The Nightmare Before Christmas'' were inspired by an episode of The Twilight Zone View More ...
Devotees of "Star Trek" The Original Series will fight to their dying breath defending the likes of "The City on the Edge of Forever," "The Enemy Within," and "Amok Time". As for the original "The Twilight Zone," it could be "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street," "Nightmare at...
For a while, the 1980s “Twilight Zone” was the place to be, obviously. A reboot you ‘Need to Know’ If you watched the series when it originally aired, it’s likely a few episodes still stick with you. The first season episode “Gramma,” Harlan Ellison’...