The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street: Directed by Ron Winston. With Rod Serling, Claude Akins, Barry Atwater, Jack Weston. On a peaceful suburban street, strange occurrences and mysterious people stoke the residents' paranoia to a disastrous intensity.
游走光明与黑暗之间——《新阴阳魔界第1季》 今天聊聊美剧《新阴阳魔界第1季》。 片名The Twilight Zone Season 1 (2019),别名迷离时空 / 阴阳魔界 / 暮光空间。 1959年诞生的幻想电视连续剧《阴阳魔界》是诗选式美剧的开山鼻祖,各种各样的故事关注那些发生在超自然境地的奇妙故事。 1959年至1964年间,《阴阳魔界...
本电视剧本的作者罗德·瑟琳(1924.12.5—1975.6.28),是美国著名的编剧家,剧作家,电视出品人,还经常担任萤幕剧的旁白和节目主持人。他最著名的电视戏剧系列节目叫做阴阳魔界(The Twilight Zone)。瑟琳还热衷于政治活动,这种热情不仅仅渗透在他的作品中,也体现在他的日常生活中,甚至对整个电视行业戏剧制作标准的确立都...
The Monsters are due on maple street is a teleplay by Rod Sterling for the t.v show twilight zone which is about a t.v series about paranormal and crazy things happen. The plot of “The Monsters are due on maple street” is a teleplay about people/best friends going in chaos because ...
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内容提示: The Monsters Are Due on Maple StreetThe Monsters Are Due on Maple StreetBy Rod Serling(creator of “The Twilight Zone”) 文档格式:...
Twilight zone: the monsters are due on maple street Directed by Ron Winston. With Rod Serling, Claude Akins, Barry Atwater, Jack Weston. On a peaceful suburban street, strange occurrences and mysterious people stoke the residents' paranoia to a disastrous intensity. MSR Kneece 被引量: 0发表: ...
Maple Street--late on a Saturday afternoon a mysterious flash of light results in a power outage. But this is no ordinary power failure, and the neighbors on Maple Street will soon find themselves in the dark with an enemy of their own creation . . . in the Twilight Zone. ...
The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” is a screenplay by Rod Serling that was televised as part of the Twilight Zone television series, a popular series that began in 1959 and is still televised today. After reading and then watching the selection, I prefer the teleplay over the episode. ...
6 The Monsters are Due on Maple Street Lesson6 TheMonstersareDueonMapleStreet 1 2 RodSerling oneoftheleadingtelevisionplaywrightstodayintheUnitedStates,bestknownforhissciencefictionTVseries,TheTwilightZone.《黄昏地带》Heco-wrote“PlanetoftheApes”《人猿星球》andmoremoviescriptsandteleplays.SevenDaysinMay《...