The series ingeniously subverts conventional detective tropes by revealing the perpetrator at the outset, challenging viewers' expectations while keeping them enthralled throughout each episode. Witness firsthand why Columbo remains a beloved figure within pop culture history. A Los Angeles detective ...
Soap, a groundbreaking sitcom from the late 70s, cleverly satirized soap opera tropes with its outrageous storylines and larger-than-life characters. The show follows the lives of two sisters and their respective families, the Tates and the Campbells, navigating through infidelity, amnesia, alien ab...
Korean War sitcom M*A*S*H is best remembered today for its massively popular series finale, as it should be: it’s remarkable to think that at one point in America’s history, nearly 106 million people chose to watch any show together, nonetheless one as radical as this one. Based on ...
Why You Should Watch:If you like gothic heroines and gothic romance, Buffy is the gothic fantasy series for you. LikeAngel, it mostly takes place in the modern-day, but there are numerous period flashbacks. The show is heavily inspired by gothic genre tropes such as darkness and shadows, a...
its subversion of superhero tropes, emotional story beats, and ensemble cast will keep your attention until things really start to pick up from season one episode four, by which point you should be fully hooked. Myreview ofInvincibleseason 1,review ofInvincibleseason 2 part 1, andreview ofInvin...
Yes, it's full of rom-com and Christmas movie tropes — including extended bits riffing on Love Actually— but it's also funny, and it sparkles because of Yang and Dobrev's surprising chemistry. Does he get the girl? Obviously. The better question is "Does the movie pull it off ...
Well cast update on Private Detective 'tropes. Tom Burke and Holiday Grainger are a stand out team in what could easily have been a tawdry run of the mill Detective trawl.Cormeran Strike is a lovable mess of a reinvented down at heels gumshoe. The pacing manages too drag the fashionable ...
Not only have creators Matt and Ross Duffer — aka the Duffer brothers — repurposed 1980s tropes of friends going on adventures who end up saving the world, but they’ve created a next generation of stars (Millie Bobby Brown, Joe Keery, Maya Hawke and Noah Schnapp, among others) with ...
The Clone WarsandStar Wars: Rebels(2014–18), particularly Anakin Skywalker’s apprentice Ahsoka Tano (Rosario Dawson), to live action. Filoni also created two other animated series for Disney+,Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi(2022) andStar Wars: Tales of the Empire(2024). Favreau and Filoni,...
discussing recurring tropes; and interviewing theorists, historians, and people who worked on the movies under discussion. Subtitled “The Lost World of the Erotic Thriller,”We Kill for Lovefocuses on the direct-to-video and cable movies that braided together film noir, gothic romance, and softco...