When a Shaolin monk flees to the American Wild West, he finds himself caught between two worlds – and in a quest for inner peace. Mixing martial arts with classic Western tropes, this groundbreaking series starring David Carradine offers a refreshingly unique take on the genre. Premiered: Febr...
45. War of the Worlds (1988–1990) While nothing could ever top Orson Welles at the Mercury Theatre in 1938, this TV version picks up where the other leaves off. The invaders from Mars (switched to a distant planet Mor-Tax in this version) didn't just die out, but went into stasis...
Also ranks #4 on The Coolest TV Floorplans Will i like it? IS IT WATCHWORTHY? featured subscription 16 Hogan's Heroes September 17, 1965 1,726 votes Taking a decidedly irreverent approach to the subject of World War II, this sitcom chronicled the schemes and stratagems of a group of Al...
Instead, what we have is an ever increasing use of clichés and tropes which is massively disappointing. It may get better but after watching five episodes then the likelihood of that seems extremely slim, so I'm giving up on it since there are far better shows to watch than this. ...
You can take a look at it below as well of a larger version of the poster art under the official press release.From The Press Release:Nine Worlds Entertainment is pleased to announce that the official trailer for the upcoming Horror film Death Do Us Part premiered at the Vancouver Fan ...
Its sense of dystopia, one generated at every turn by the battery-powered “black mirrors” all of us carry in our pockets, takes many avenues: Sometimes the worlds this series depicts are outright post-apocalyptic; sometimes the social order has degraded only perceptibly enough to simply make...
The culture shock between these two worlds is the main theme of the show, allowing plenty of space for both comedy and commentary. The heartwarming love and loyalty Will feels for his family despite their differences is the backbone of the series. 60. Chernobyl “What is the cost of lies?
when it comes to live-action fantasy juggernauts, but the genre also has an impressive level of depth in the anime space. It’s an incredibly versatile genre that can be tastefully meshed with other ones and unique settings, and that’s led to some immersive worlds, stories, and characters...
“Goldtooth” for reasons that will become apparent) to buy nuclear warheads and start World War III. The gold, if Jax and his team can steal it first, is the prize, but Jax believes there is something even more valuable hidden on the island. Star further piques Jax’s interest by ...
2005: The War at Home The War at Home attempted to break into an already saturated market: sitcoms about dysfunctional families. We’ve all seen so many of them that the tropes are tired, and the jokes have been rehashed so many times we can see them coming long ...