This Western comedy series follows a motley crew of outlaws as they attempt to pull off heists, evade the law, and navigate the treacherous Wild West – offering viewers a hilarious take on classic cowboy tropes with an ensemble cast of quirky characters. Premiered: March 13, 2024 Also ranks...
The Caprica Times tweeted a couple of links to some interesting articles at TV Tropes,... See full article at CapricaTV 11/6/2010 by fanshawe CapricaTVCreators and cast discuss religion on Caprica There is a new video up at the official site. In it, the producers and cast talk about ...
Woodlands Dark, possibly because the tropes of the erotic thriller were more codified, so there’s less “feature creep” in exploring them, but also because the central question ofWe Kill for Love—why don’t they make ‘em like this anymore?—makes the documentary something of a mystery t...
Here’s a synopsis forLeo: Actor and comedianAdam Sandlerdelivers signature laughs in this coming-of-age animated musical comedy about the last year of elementary school – as seen through the eyes of a class pet. Jaded 74-year-old lizard Leo (Sandler) has been stuck in the same Florida ...
its subversion of superhero tropes, emotional story beats, and ensemble cast will keep your attention until things really start to pick up from season one episode four, by which point you should be fully hooked. Myreview ofInvincibleseason 1,review ofInvincibleseason 2 part 1, andreview ofInvin...
Viswanathan is mesmerizing as the lead in Hala, commanding the screen and adding resonance to what Baig calls a "universal story" that's much more than a rehash of teen tropes. "I didn't have those stories growing up, for myself, and so I really wanted that for, like, the teenage ...
We’ve all seen so many of them that the tropes are tired, and the jokes have been rehashed so many times we can see them coming long before the laugh track tells us we should be reacting to them. To actually make an impression on viewers in this genre, a sho...
her talents land her a slightly better life, but not without a price. Even if you don't really know how to play chess, these competitive scenes are exciting to watch, and Taylor-Joy does a great job of bringing to life a character whose exceptional talents hide the fact that she's con...
A wild romp through sci-fi tropes while dealing with closer-to-home feelings of PTSD, difficult familial relationships, absent parents, and the fear of becoming obsolete, the series has now birthed its very own plethora of in-universe references. Though the terrain may seem familiar at times,...
a couple on a backpacking trip trying to salvage their relationship, who stumble upon the mysteriously cheerful town of Schmigadoon. As it turns out, the community is stuck in a Golden Age-era musical populated with all the tropes you would expect, including the handsome rogue, the farmer's...