Either way, the titular toucan and robin duo, voiced by Tiffany Haddish and Ali Wong respectively, are back for another adventure through cruddy adulthood. With her head full of doubts over her career and the lingering effects of sexual assault, Bertie auditions a series of therapists as she c...
Final Fantasy VII is a landmark JRPG for a variety of reasons, but many of its achievements have now been lost to the winds of time and technological progress. Yet, its age has done nothing to change its status as the series' most popular and beloved entry, which has come about thanks...
Tagged definitions, elocutio, example, examples, figures of speech, rhetoric, tropes Exergasia Posted on November 9, 2024 | Leave a comment Exergasia (ex-er-ga’-si-a): Repetition of the same idea, changing either its words, its delivery, or the general treatment it is given. A met...
TV & Movies The 100 Greatest Movies of the 1980s From road warriors to raging bulls, horny teens to homesick aliens — the best films of the lost decade known as the Eighties By David Fear,Andy Greene,Kory Grow,Katie Rife,Tim Grierson,Robert Daniels,Scott Tobias,Noel Murray,Guy Lodge,Step...
Over 3K TV viewers have voted on the 50+ shows on Greatest Soap Operas of All Time. Current Top 3: General Hospital, Dallas, Days of Our Lives
TV Tropes (tvtropes.org) describes the trope as one where “gay characters just aren’t allowed happy endings.” While it makes sense that in older works this might have been more prevalent–especially with lesbian pulp fiction where one author was told that the gay characters were not ...
More David Lynch on The Criterion Channel:Dumbland,Inland Empire, Lost Highway, Mulholland Dr.,Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Meand the short filmsThe Alphabet, The Amputee, The Grandmother, Premonitions Following an Evil Deed, Six Men Getting Sick. ...
King the Land: Episodes 1-2 by Dramaddictally The highly anticipated summer rom-com, Junho in Suits King the Land, is finally here! It’s got blockbuster stunts, the oldest of old school tropes, and enough marshmallowy fluff to stuff a sandwich. In short, it’s the rom-com 2023 has...
The Kelly Clarkson Showis a must-see.Kelly Clarksonbrings her easygoing charm and lovable sense of humor to her daytime talk show, using the series to shine a spotlight on inspiring stories of everyday people who serve as a reminder that even in dark times, there's still good in this ...
Instead of a land of beauty and wonder, they find a kingdom in extreme danger, as the Queen’s sister seeks to destroy the barrier between worlds. The people of Chidani have been waiting for the last Descendant to return and save them . . . is Cameron ready to be the hero they ...