An updated version of a John Hughes film done as a British TV series At first I was thinking, okay this is pretty good... reminds me of all the teen comedies I grew up watching in the eighties, but as it went on they fleshed out some of the characters who began as basic tropes an...
Soap, a groundbreaking sitcom from the late 70s, cleverly satirized soap opera tropes with its outrageous storylines and larger-than-life characters. The show follows the lives of two sisters and their respective families, the Tates and the Campbells, navigating through infidelity, amnesia, alien ab...
78. Bob's Burgers Creator Loren Bouchard was already animation royalty well before Bob’s Burgers, having brought cult classic series like Home Movies and Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil to the small screen. Taking the working-class Belcher family as its focus, Bob’s Burgers is ostensibly ...
The key to their appeal lies in the distinctive blend of traditional and innovative comedic tropes, coupled with uniquely British ideas and themes. The allure of these British comedies often lies in their depiction of everyday life through a humorous lens, seasoned with an array of popular ...
Not only have creators Matt and Ross Duffer — aka the Duffer brothers — repurposed 1980s tropes of friends going on adventures who end up saving the world, but they’ve created a next generation of stars (Millie Bobby Brown, Joe Keery, Maya Hawke and Noah Schnapp, among others) with ...
Eric Andre is exceptional at taking typical TV tropes, warping them with his incredibly weird mind, and releasing a product that seems familiar up until you see someone vomiting on a table and then eating it. Andre’s comedy shocks viewers and forces them to sit through ridiculously ...
Season 3 cemented the series as a masterwork that should not be doubted, so we can't wait to find out what else the kids (and their folks) get into when Stranger Things 4 comes along to reimagine some more time-honored tropes from your favorite '80s movies. –Amanda Bell...
78) Homicide: Life On The Street (1993-1999) ©NBC People use the word 'gritty' in relation to film and TV drama all the time, but as a TV cop drama,Homicide: Life On The Streetwas the real deal. An avowed attempt by creator David Simon (later ofThe Wirefame) to get into the...
she's gotta be more interesting than the slut I'm looking at right now." Truly a marriage made in TV heaven. This sex-and-money blockbuster chronicled the spectacularly evil Ewings and their Texas oil empire, led by Larry Hagman's J.R.Dallasinvented the prime-time soap tropes for family...
I am not sure how to review this, it should be great, amazing even but it just lacks the atmosphere you tend to associate with a mob film or series. Everything is a little rushed, the build up, the confrontations, the action, leaving a feeling of a lack of depth and seriousness. ...