But as much as I enjoyed Netflix’s Wednesday, I couldn’t help but feel annoyed that the show took this weird family of suis generis characters and carefully nestled them into a setting full of stock tropes and character types that are as rigid as a cheap role-playing game. At Wednesday...
Why You Should Watch:If you like gothic heroines and gothic romance, Buffy is the gothic fantasy series for you. LikeAngel, it mostly takes place in the modern-day, but there are numerous period flashbacks. The show is heavily inspired by gothic genre tropes such as darkness and shadows, a...
I swear this show just feels like a copy of Trollhunters with dragons inserted, especially with some of the animation style but removing all the good from it. But where Trollhunters had better animation with the models to absorb you into the world, as well as interesting characters, Nine Real...
Jo Martin’s incarnation of the Doctor, pursued to rural England by the Judoon, was a similar joy to watch, proving that the Doctor’s gender isn’t the real, or at least the greatest, problem with the current manifestation of the character. But, despite little flashes of competency here...
With numerous iconic scenes (including Colin Firth jumping into the lake), the witty sparring between Darcy and Elizabeth, and some of the best romance tropes strategically put into play, Pride and Prejudice is must-see television. Content Note: TV-PG 75. PRIVATE PRACTICE (2007-2013) Credit:...
Each character in Leverage corresponds to one of the Spycraft base classes. Nate, the leader, is a Pointman. He organizes the others and can do a little bit of everyone’s jobs. Sophie is the self-explanatory Faceman. Parker is a Fixer, able to break and sneak into just about anywhere...
It’s not an adaptation of the iconic series from Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, but rather a sequel that lovingly remixes many of the comic’s tropes and character archetypes. The result is a series that not only lives up to the lofty source material, but actually manages to enhance it. ...
Found Season 2is frustrating at times, no doubt, but at its core, it’s a wonderfully complex exploration of trauma and is deeply character-driven in a way so few procedurals pull off. The fallout from Gabi’s secret and the near-constant threat of Sir is gripping, while the motivation ...
the lead character Lindsey was shockingly beautiful. She definitely kept my interest. Although, I was a little put off by the episode where she tries pot for the first time and freaks out. It was so exaggerated, it literally seemed like something out of reefer madness. Obvious bullshit anti...
We’ve all seen so many of them that the tropes are tired, and the jokes have been rehashed so many times we can see them coming long before the laugh track tells us we should be reacting to them. To actually make an impression on viewers in this genre, a show...