The series follows the work of Customs and Border Protection officers on the border between the United States and Mexico in their ongoing battle against the smugglers of contraband across the border - including the Mexican drug cartels. Star Dan Nachtrab 在IMDbPro 上查看制作信息 Add to Watchlist...
In 2014, a number of busses carrying Mexican students were attacked, and 43 passangers disappeared. Drug cartels were involved, but also local authorities. No-one has yet been prosecuted for the crime. It's hard to conceive a more damning indictment of a failing state. This documentary looks...
The Mexican and American forces come together in the Joint Mexican/American Drug Trafficking Fusion Center, where the elite Mexican Navy, DEA and CIA forces work hand-in-hand. Under Wayne's direction and that of the recently assigned head of Mexican Naval Intelligence, Admiral Romero, the ...
Cartel Land director Matthew Heineman talks about the dangers of filming a documentary about a Mexican drug cartel.Cartel Land is a tense documentary that has you on the edge of your seat. Director Matthew Heineman takes you inside the Mexican drug war and introduces you to the drug lords ...
There is also tension between local gangs, the Mexican drug cartels, and their regional distributors. These factors put his life at risk. *Spoiler Alert* The show ends with Walter dying of a gunshot wound and not lung cancer. The first season was a little slow, but the series went on to...
The widow of a well-known Mexican drug lord who has become psychologically disturbed by the violence that has surrounded her partners up with two local cocaine traffickers to take over the cartel and becomes the most powerful woman of her time. Filmed in 2014 at many different places in Miami...
Get ready for new series from Robert De Niro, Harlan Coben, and the guy who created This Is Us! TVGuide.comNov 27 NCIS: The Biggest Cast Exits From Mark Harmon to Cote De Pablo. Search the world's largest fan wiki platform The latest trends, delivered straight to your inbox. ...
ryan wedding’s path from olympic athlete to drug lord a champion snowboarder who competed at the 2002 winter olympics, he pivoted to a life of crime. today, the fbi says, he's a cocaine dealer with ties to mexican cartels — and he's on the run by jesse hyde the answer my friend....
Trafficked With Mariana van Zeller Season 2 TrailerTV-MA | 11.15.2021 01:30 Trafficked with Mariana van Zeller TrailerTV-14 | 10.01.2020 You May Also Like Blood on the Wall Drug Lords: The Next Generation World's Most Dangerous Gang: Power of Fear ...
Macías, who was convicted of drug trafficking, murder and organized crime, was serving a 34-year sentence in La Regional prison in the port of Guayaquil. Los Chonerosand other similar groups linked to Mexican and Colombian cartels are fighting over drug trafficking routes and cont...