Set in the 1980s, this adaptation of Tom Clancy's novel follows CIA agent Jack Ryan, played by Harrison Ford, as he uncovers a covert war against South American drug cartels. The film presents a gripping, action-packed portrayal of the political intrigue and moral complexities ...
CARTEL LAND, which explores vigilantes taking on the Mexican drug cartels, was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature and won three Primetime Emmy Awards, including Exceptional Merit in Documentary Filmmaking and Best Cinematography. The film premiered in the U.S. Documentary Com...
Flying the Secret Sky(NPTV-VanDerKloot Film & Tv doc 2008, c.60m) D: William VanDerKloot. Interesting and well-done epic about Winston Churchill's historic (and perilous) round-trip flight from London to Cairo and Moscow during WW2 in an unarmed RAF Ferry Command B-24 and its US and...
InEmilia Pérez, directorJacques Audiardhas made something unique — a musical about a trans Mexican cartel boss who leaves the criminal life to set up an NGO to locate thousands of Mexico’s “disappeared”. If that sounds ambitious, it’s just another pr...
A multinational team of experts go up against drug cartels and illegal traffickers to save the most endangered whale on Earth.
These moments — the death of a motorist who happens to be driving on the freeway at just the wrong time, a pan across the families of Mexican citizens who have gone missing as a result of the cartels’ business, a shot of a DVD with a handwritten label that contains a snuff film ...
Five years have passed since Mexican director Carlos Reygadas’ brilliant cinematic tapestry “Silent Light” erupted on the festival circuit with one of the most lyrically powerful films of the new millenium (even its detractors agreed as much). “Post Teneras Lux,” which is Latin for “After...
a villain that’s relevant to today, in the period when that one particular asshole is in the White House. He had already considered a story where he goes up against white supremacists. Nah. Why not just do the “dangerous Mexican criminals are coming over the border to get us” route....
Set in the 1980s, this adaptation of Tom Clancy's novel follows CIA agent Jack Ryan, played by Harrison Ford, as he uncovers a covert war against South American drug cartels. The film presents a gripping, action-packed portrayal of the political intrigue and moral complexities ...
Set in the 1980s, this adaptation of Tom Clancy's novel follows CIA agent Jack Ryan, played by Harrison Ford, as he uncovers a covert war against South American drug cartels. The film presents a gripping, action-packed portrayal of the political intrigue and moral complexities ...