Seven programmes were written and produced, but LWT amalgamated the first two episodes into a single "stronger" episode, resulting in a six-part series. For many years the entire series was believed to have been wiped. However, copies of the first two episodes have now been found, as have...
In the vast landscape of television entertainment, there are countless programmes that captivate audiences with their unique charm, ranging from thrilling dramas to heartwarming comedies, educational documentaries to exhilarating sports events. Among these, a few have etched themselves into my heart as m...
It was a sequel to Morris's earlier spoof news programmes On the Hour and The Day Today. It satirised media portrayal of social ills, in particular sensationalism, unsubstantiated establishmentarian theory masquerading as fact, and creation of moral panics. The series starred Morris's The Day ...
What sort of programmes could we look forward to? The Radio Times Pensioners in England reminisce about the better times when the only entertainment in the home was the radio. Bill in Surrey remembers: ‘My mam would listen to seven ‘ahs of Vera Lynn, then anover twelve ‘ahs of ‘er ...
I've not been an avid fan of the Carr-fronted long-running "Big Fat Quiz" programmes - and they rattle on in the background of British TV comedy, they go on for ages and take the format of a star-studded version of a pub quiz featuring a glittering array of filmed cameos from cele...
if you, like me, have been obsessively watching the duo’s “Trek” press interviews, you know their witty banter and buddy dynamic makes them even more drool-worthy. The pair’s charismatic back-and-forth has quickly catapulted them into the esteemed company of some other famous best buds...
Singapore tv productions have followed me through the years (well, duh) and there have been many great dramas and variety/info-tainment programmes that I enjoy, but in recent years, locally produced dramas have been increasingly family-melodrama oriented with over the top acting and weak plots....
I'm afraid I'll just have to forget about Muppet Babies and move on. I prefer to Muppet films and television programmes. I still like Muppets but not Muppet Babies, sorry.Besides Muppet Babies is really for small children. Helpful•0 6 ...
My favourite characters are Bert, Ernie, Cookie Monster, Grover and Oscar the Grouch. I am 33 years old and I am never too old for Sesame Street. It is probably one of the best children's television programmes of all time. Helpful•1 ...
BBC Two has announced a series of special programmes to mark its 50th anniversary.The channel celebrates the milestone on April 20, and will broadcast several one-off programmes featuring the likes of Dara Ó Briain and Sue Barker.Earlier today (March 19), it was announced that Harry Enfield...