Seven programmes were written and produced, but LWT amalgamated the first two episodes into a single "stronger" episode, resulting in a six-part series. For many years the entire series was believed to have been wiped. However, copies of the first two episodes have now been found, as have...
As a kid in the 80s, I would catch this cartoon show on TV after grade school. It was one of Hanna-Barbera's best-loved classics - a show about little blue creatures, each one named based on their individual unique personality, that live in mushroom houses in a forest. They lead seem...
By 1985 British TV's children's drama had really hit its stride, achieving "a balanced diet of programmes" as Edward Barnes, the head of the BBC children's department observed. The late 80s, arguably, saw a new golden age for spooky and magical kids drama. Excellent production values, ...
I'm afraid I'll just have to forget about Muppet Babies and move on. I prefer to Muppet films and television programmes. I still like Muppets but not Muppet Babies, sorry.Besides Muppet Babies is really for small children. Helpful•0 6 ...
We’ve scanned the UK Christmas TV and radio schedules for the festive fortnight and circled a few programmes you may enjoy…We’ve taken our glittery pen to the pages of this year’s festive TV Listings guide to circle a selection of shows that might tickle your Christmas fancy....
What sort of programmes could we look forward to? The Radio Times Pensioners in England reminisce about the better times when the only entertainment in the home was the radio. Bill in Surrey remembers: ‘My mam would listen to seven ‘ahs of Vera Lynn, then anover twelve ‘ahs of ‘er ...
Byline: MARION McMULLENPOP diva Kim Wilde, who had a string of hits in the 1980s, has forged a new career in the calmer pastures of TV gardening programmes, as showbusiness writer MARION McMULLEN discoversSHE used to be the wild one who could have tamed teen popsters such as Britney ...
It was a sequel to Morris's earlier spoof news programmes On the Hour and The Day Today. It satirised media portrayal of social ills, in particular sensationalism, unsubstantiated establishmentarian theory masquerading as fact, and creation of moral panics. The series starred Morris's The Day ...
Byline: MARION McMULLENPOP diva Kim Wilde, who had a string of hits in the 1980s, has forged a new career in the calmer pastures of TV gardening programmes, as showbusiness writer MARION McMULLEN discoversSHE used to be the wild one who could have tamed teen popsters such as Britney Sp...
It was set around the time of Rodney and Cassandra’s wedding, with Del meeting Raquel and telling her a lot of tall stories to try to impress her, and also borrowing money from the Driscoll brothers to give to Rodney for a deposit on a flat. And it also worked in Del falling through...