Our AI Writing detector’s false positive rate is less than 1% for documents with 20% or more AI writing(our tests showed that in cases where we detect less than 20% of AI writing in a document, there is a higher incidence of false positives). To further ens...
Independent research shows the “Turnitin [AI writing detector] achieved very high accuracy” Two of the 16 detectors, Turnitin and Copyleaks, correctly identified the AI- or human-generated status of all 126 documents, with no incorrect or uncertain responses. ...
Protect your institution's academic standards with Turnitin's plagiarism detector. Identify copied content and ensure originality in every submission.
plagiarism plagiarism-checker plagiarism-detection plagiarism-detector turnitin Updated May 24, 2022 Python obaskly / AiTextDetectionBypass Star 46 Code Issues Pull requests Bypass Ai detection using undetectable.ai ai detection artificial-intelligence gpt bypass turnitin chatgpt gptzero Updated Sep...
(电子商务) BABandwidthAllocation带宽分配 BABasicAccess基本接入 BABuildingAutomation楼宇自动化 BABusinessAudio商用音频 BACBusAdapterControl总线适配器控制 BACPBroadbandAssignControlProtocol带宽分配控制协议 BACPBroadcastingAuthorizationControlProtocol广播授权控制协议 BAICDBlindAnchoredInterference-CancellingDetector盲区固定消...
Interested in helping Turnitin address AI writing? We’re always looking for passionate educators to help us define new and improved experiences in the areas of AI writing, similarity reporting, and more. Sign up today and help shape the future of Turnitin....
Today, we are pleased to announce the launch of our AI writing detection capabilities in Turnitin Feedback Studio (TFS), TFS with Originality, Turnitin Originality, Turnitin Similarity, Simcheck, Originality Check, and Originality Check+. The detector will support over 2.1 million educators and more...