Why choose Turnitin’s AI detector? Trusted by educators globally Turnitin’s AI writing detection capabilities have been enabled by a large number of our customers. It has also been independently shown to have high effectiveness in correctly identifying AI-generated content, when compared to other ...
这不仅有助于教师监督学生使用生成式AI工具进行学术研究的情况,确保学术诚信,也让学生无需担忧因AI检测所引发的误判。 参考资料: · Turnitin: Celebrates one year for AI writing detection · The Star: Balancing academic integrity and AI 本文图片源于Turnitin和Tech&Learning 内容来自百家号 查看原文 风险提示:...
现在国际上权威的AI内容检测系统就是Turnitin公司开发的Turnitin AI writing detection,这个Turnitin公司就是...
· Turnitin Blog: AI paraphrasing detection-Strengthening the integrity of academic writing 本文图片源于Turnitin
https://www.turnitin.com/products/features/ai-writing-detection 简介: Turnitin已添加到相似性报告中的AI写作指示器,将显示可能由AI生成的文档的总体百分比。我们根据在我们的AI创新实验室中收集和验证的数据,以98%的置信度做出此决定...
Yes. Turnitin has released its AI writing detection capabilities to help educators uphold academic integrity while ensuring that students are treated fairly. We have added an AI writing indicator to the Similarity Report. It shows an overall percentage of the document that AI writing tools, ...
https://www.turnitin.com/products/features/ai-writing-detection 简介: Turnitin已添加到相似性报告中的 AI 写作指示器, 将显示可能由 AI 生成的文档的总体百分比。我们根据在我们的 AI 创新实验室中收集和验证的数据,以 98% 的置信度做出此决定。要打开新的 AI 写作报告,请选择 AI 写作指示器。请注意,此时...
Reflecting on one year of AI writing detection Reflecting on where we've come in just one year, I am often asked, "What has Turnitin learned over the last twelve months?" My biggest takeaway is that there is a growing need within the educational community to view the use of AI writing ...
这不仅有助于教师监督学生使用生成式AI工具进行学术研究的情况,确保学术诚信,也让学生无需担忧因AI检测所引发的误判。 参考资料: ·Turnitin: Celebrates one year for AI writing detection ·The Star: Balancing academic integrity and AI 本文图片源于Turnitin和Tech&Learning...
Why Should You Bypass Turnitin AI Detection? To be able to bypass Turnitin means your text has a higher chance to be trusted at the place it's to be used. Abide By Academic Guidelines: Most educational institutions are still against students using AI writing tools to complete assignments, ess...