For this estimation, response surface method- based quadratic regression models were obtained, and they determined the optimum cutting conditions by different cutting speeds, feed rate, cutting edge angles, and axial- radial-tangential vibration inputs. In the study, they obtained...
The minimum of the quadratic sum of the working load rate of the vehicle tire is taken as the optimization objective. The tire-road adhesion condition, performance of the motor and braking system, and state of the motor are taken as constraints. In addition, a lower controller is established...
Therefore, Y is the response of the model (resultant machining force), a0 represents the fixed term, Xi are the input variables (cutting speed, feed, and depth of cut) and bi, bij, bii are the vectors that contain the regression coefficients (linear, quadratic, and cross-product, ...
The tangential velocity decreases linearly from each of the two ends of the ship towards the COM, whereas the water pressure (Figure 4c) decreases non-linearly following a quadratic function (cf. Equation (4)). This water pressure can be expressed by a single force vector, FD2, on either ...
A single-objective optimization problem, considering total operation time as an objective function, and chip form and empirical models for surface roughness and workpiece deflection as constraints, was developed and solved. Based on the analysis of the obtained solutions, the following conclusions may ...