Preserved at the China Aviation Museum in north-west Beijing.. 50257. Tupolev Tu-124V. is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!
50256. Tupolev Tu-124V. is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!
World of Warplanes 战机世界亚服德国BV P.215.02 MYOU盟约 969 0 World of Warplanes 战机世界亚服德国Ao 192 Kurier MYOU盟约 506 1 【补档】黑暗驯兽师 中国东方航空MU5735号班机空难模拟,无不良引导 Garuda_Indonesia 1.2万 0 展开 50万奖金助力绘画创作...
The Tupolev Tu-124V “Cookpot” was a Soviet twin-engine turbofan airliner that served from the 1960s to the 1980s. It was the first successful turbofan airliner, and with a capacity of 56 passengers made quite the regional airliner. While the the type did not receive very many orders (...
Tupolev Tu-1 Tupolev Tu-1 Picture - Front-quarter view of the Tu-1 (ANT-63P) prototype Role: Night fighter National origin: Soviet Union Manufacturer: Tupolev First flight: 22 March 1947 Status: Cancelled Number built: 1 Developed from: Tupolev Tu-2 ...
上传您的照片 分享 12投票數 (4.25平均) 和4,778浏览 中等/大图/全尺寸BackForward Like Tupolev Tu-142 — 提交时间:14 年以前 "Crimson Skies" 20ofTU958atUHMA Alexey Petroff Comments
#仙猫藏图[超话]#Ту 16, Tupolev Tu-16 ,badger, titles Tu-16,图波列夫Tu-16,Badger“獾” #微博公开课#
6 投票數 (4.00 平均) 和 1,072 浏览 中等 / 大图 / 全尺寸 LikeTupolev Tu-154 (RA-85674)提交时间:6 年以前2 of RA-85674 200 of T154 11807 at EDDM Andreas Stöckl CommentsPlease log in or register to post a comment.动态日志 需要RA-85674 1998年以来的完整历史搜索吗? 现在购买,一...
6 投票數 (4.00 平均) 和 1,020 浏览 中等 / 大图 / 全尺寸 LikeTupolev Tu-154 (RA-85674)提交时间:5 年以前2 of RA-85674 186 of T154 11785 at EDDM Andreas Stöckl CommentsPlease log in or register to post a comment.动态日志 需要RA-85674 1998年以来的完整历史搜索吗? 现在购买,一...
苏联Tu-22M2战略轰炸机/海上攻击机制造数量:.Тu-22MO原型机*(1969-1971):9架.Tu-22M1海上原型机(1971-1972):9架 .Tu-22M2(1972-1983):211架Tu-22M2配备一枚Kh-22反舰导弹的航程:.5100公里(亚音速飞行).1630公里(超音速飞行)Tu-22M2最大速度:1800公里/小时最大武器重量:24,000公斤———译者注:0:14...