You must be really productive at work. Its Only Tuesday I know, while it feels like it should be later in the week – its not. These its only Tuesday memes are the funny you need to survive the next few days until the weekend. Meme caption:When it’s only Tuesday and you’ve alrea...
Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted byThat Artsy Reader Girl, featuring a different top 10 theme each week. This week’s topic isRelationship Freebie(Pick a relationship type and choose characters who fit that relationship as it relates to you. So, characters you’d like to date, be friends ...
We will still work at home though for a short session on Thursday and longer ones after that until school again. I am a bundle of nerves about surgery day but I am sure they will be fine and its for their own good and health. On to this weeks teaser… “Thomas opened the throttle ...
I shouldn’t have to work. I’m too meek. Too sensible. And too pretty. I’m like a Jane Austen heroine, raised by loving parents, with a handsome countenance, a kind heart, and good, old-fashioned manners, but in every respect unable to provide for myself or actually willing to… ...
This weekend, I am headed to the AudioFeed festival for the third year in a row. I’ll have thoughts about it, of course – maybe next week, maybe the week after. I still have a few more albums to get caught up on. Be here in seven for one or the other. Follow Tuesday Morning...