Meme caption:When it’s only Tuesday and you’ve already run out of patience for the week. It may feel like the weekend is right around the corner – but bad news, it’s only Tuesday. These hilariously funny It’s Tuesday memes explain the feeling of realizing what day it is. Time t...
Those terrible Tuesdays that occur after a three day weekend, turning Tuesday effectively into a Monday. Monday is Over Grumpy Cat returns to give us our last Tuesday meme. From the cat's perceptive the only good thing about Tuesday is that it means Monday is over with. You ...
How screwed up is your life (after- or otherwise) when you find yourself needing phrases like that?” ―Jim Butcher, Ghost StoryTeaser Tuesday 10/22/24 October 22, 2024 4 Comments Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, the weekly Meme that wants you to add books to your TBR! You can also just ...
2 weeks after the storm, here are the latest stats (estimates) on how many SW Louisianan’s are out of power, STILL! WHY is the Parrot Press Corps not here with satellite trucks camped out on the destitute’s lawn’s, blaming the whole targedy on Trump? There is a perfectly good an...
After you wash down the combination of tangy cherry and chemicals you’ll be sure to say “that was both refreshing and created in a laboratory!” So don’t listen to what all those haters or doctors say, you just go and do you. Because you are the only you there is, until there ...
8:06 pm: Trump taunts Bloomberg over finger-lickin' meme After Mike Bloomberg failed to triumph in the first few races of the night, President Trump quickly lashed out on Twitter — not about the election results, but about a viral video. ...
This weekend, I am headed to the AudioFeed festival for the third year in a row. I’ll have thoughts about it, of course – maybe next week, maybe the week after. I still have a few more albums to get caught up on. Be here in seven for one or the other. Follow Tuesday Morning...