单击 OK,然后单击PLAY 进入游戏。进入主菜单后没有异常就可以退出游戏。1.4 备份FalloutNV.exe和FalloutNVLauncher.exe文件2. 先运行安装天邈汉化,以下列举天邈在根目录产生的文件o CN_Uninstall文件夹用于卸载o 替换了游戏原来的binkw32.dll,并在根目录创建Backup文件夹放原版binkw32.dllo usub文件夹放着汉化组logo...
然后打开FalloutNVTools2.1, 点开MOD管理 把这几个勾都打上 之后打开FalloutNVLauncher,再点开DATA FILES 把这几个勾都打上 之后点击PLAY就可以玩了 界面无文字解决方法( +4 分享194 辐射新维加斯吧 丁小点home 【新人提问】请问大家,全美吃不吃大兵perk啊rt,听说perk系统有很多bug 现在打了ttw的yup,想问一...
This mod combine RHK-TTW-Startup Menu by RickerHK and Roleplay Start byFenrirIII,Giving you 5 option to start from Mojave Wasteland(FNV), Capital Wasteland(FO3),Cajon Wateland (FNC), Rolep
- A:Fallout New Vegas achievements are achievable, but not Fallout 3 achievements. I wish I could change this, but I cannot. Remember that TTW is a mod FOR Fallout New Vegas, so we do not launch FO3 to play New Vegas, so therefore Steam does not recognize that we play FO3 at all....
I turned off all my other mods to see if that was the issue but I was still stuck. Any ideas? Edit: I'm also pretty sure everything is installed properly since the TTW main menu comes up and the Fallout 3 starts when I begin a new game. Top ...
Location Games:Fallout: New Vegas:Mods:URWLNV Ultimate Edition v2.1:Files Filename URWLTTW_v1.0.rar Category Full Version Uploader Marcurios Added Aug 21st, 2014 Size 109.2mb (114,507,396 bytes) Downloads 3,279 (1 today) MD5 Hash