Values above 3 don't change anything, and the setting has nothing to do with the number of CPU cores iNumHWThreads=3 ; Tale of Two Wastelands specific ; Sets TTW's starting quest SCharGenQuest=001FFFF8 ; Disables FNV intro movie SIntroMovie= [Grass] ; Increases grass draw distance fGrass...
鉴于TTW3.3.3推出及mod、外挂汉化更新,本指南已过时,并且暂时停更,目前仅供存档 排序 找到MO2的这个选项,打开INI配置文件夹 打开这个loadorder.txt(别看错了,不是lockedorder.txt) 用下面的内容替换原有的全部内容(WSG搬过来的): # This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. FalloutNV.esm DeadMo...
- A:Fallout New Vegas achievements are achievable, but not Fallout 3 achievements. I wish I could change this, but I cannot. Remember that TTW is a mod FOR Fallout New Vegas, so we do not launch FO3 to play New Vegas, so therefore Steam does not recognize that we play FO3 at all....