After coincubation with HUVEC, the cells rapidly internalized the tTF-NGR:CD13 complex into the cytoplasm of the cells (approx. 50% of the labeled tTF-NGR after 3 h at 37oC), a process which exposed the protein to intracellular degradation. The multicenter TRABTRAP trial is actively ...
Targeted Thrombosis in Tumor Vessel Induced by tTF 14 –NGR: The Feasibility of Real-Time Detection by Intermittent Trigger Mode CEUSPurpose Truncated tissue factor (tTF) fused to the NGR can induce thrombosis in tumor vessels with high selectivity. The aim of this study was to look into the ...
tTF-NGR is a pro-coagulatory protein fused to a peptide targeting CD13 preferentially expressed in the tumor vasculature, leading to infarction with subsequent necrosis of the tumor [16,17]. Due to the specific targeting of CD13 and the integrin αvβ3 on the tumor endothelium, no ...
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Postscript name: NGrixikaixing Trademark: (c) Copyright 南构日系楷行,该字体仅限于个人非商业用途使用,任何企业或个人用于商业用途均必须向叶根友字体所属公司杭州贤书阁文化创意有限公司购买授权,否则将追究侵权方法律责任赔偿。官网,版权所有,盗用必究!Measurement...
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