The TST-1080 is compatible with the XiO Cloud® service, which is an IoT (Internet of Things) based platform for remotely provisioning, monitoring, and managing Crestron devices across an enterprise or an entire client base. XiO Cloud is built on the Microsoft® Azure® software platform ...
快思聪最新无线触摸屏TST-1080就是一个很好的例子。| 关于快思聪无线触摸屏 TST-1080 这款最新的无线触摸屏能够实现许多以前无法实现的功能。它不仅适用于商业环境,如会议室,也能完美融入住宅空间,例如家庭影院。屏幕上精心设计了一个通用状态栏,预装了多种虚拟按钮,以执行日常最常用的操作,包括开关设备、调节灯光...
TST-108010.1英寸无线触摸屏为企业、政府、教室和高端家庭应用提供先进的平板式无线触摸屏控制器。ꄴ前一个: 快思聪TS-1070-B-S ꄲ后一个: 快思聪CRESTRON-GO-TABLET 主要特点 •采用薄型平板电脑设计的先进无线触摸屏 •10.1英寸LED背光彩色液晶显示器 •电容式触摸屏显示器 •自定义可编程虚拟控制按...
The TST‑1080‑DSW is an optional wall dock for the TST‑1080 wireless touch screen. Placing the TST‑1080 into the wall dock allows it to be used as a stationary touch screen while simultaneously charging its internal battery. When docked in the TST‑1080‑DSW, the touch screen ...
00:00 00:00 720P 倍速 默认音效 返回 TST痔疮微创术操作演示 TST痔疮微创术操作演示 2021年1月7日发布 02:12 TST痔疮微创术操作演示 讨论 登录参与讨论 这里的评论内容走失了 请检查网络后,点击空白处重试
The TST‑1080 provides a built‑in setup wizard that is displayed after first applying power to the touch screen or after a restore. The setup wizard is used to configure various touch screen settings required for operation. Each screen of the setup wizard is described in the sections that...
Installation This section provides the following information: TST‑1080 Installation TST‑1080-DS Installation TST‑1080-DSW Installation TST‑902‑DSW‑BB Installation TST‑902‑DSW‑BBI Installation TST‑902‑DSW‑PMK Installation...
今日活动组合 ️ TST冰肌如玉系列全套从脸开始呵护到全身六款产品折后1080 亲民价格适合任何肌肤!
00:00 00:00 TST MV 《有爱才有家》 2017年10月30日发布 04:50 TST MV 《有爱才有家》
💎今日活动播报👇 1⃣️经典礼盒六件套=1080(赠品不同) 2⃣️经典礼盒六件套=1293(赠品不同) 3⃣️缎面羽绒服=460 4⃣️冻龄水➕面霜=405 5⃣️旅行套装*2=351 6⃣身体乳*2➕护手霜3支装=254 你嗨“购”、我豪送!就在中午12点[胜...