快思聪TST-1080 TST-108010.1英寸无线触摸屏为企业、政府、教室和高端家庭应用提供先进的平板式无线触摸屏控制器。ꄴ前一个: 快思聪TS-1070-B-S ꄲ后一个: 快思聪CRESTRON-GO-TABLET 主要特点 •采用薄型平板电脑设计的先进无线触摸屏 •10.1英寸LED背光彩色液晶显示器 •电容式触摸屏显示器 •自定义...
| 关于快思聪无线触摸屏 TST-1080 这款最新的无线触摸屏能够实现许多以前无法实现的功能。它不仅适用于商业环境,如会议室,也能完美融入住宅空间,例如家庭影院。屏幕上精心设计了一个通用状态栏,预装了多种虚拟按钮,以执行日常最常用的操作,包括开关设备、调节灯光亮度、快速返回主页等。该解决方案由Crestron HTML5...
The TST-1080 provides a universal status bar that is populated with virtual buttons for quick access to common touch screen functions. The touch screen comes preconfigured with virtual buttons for Power, Home, Lights, Up, Down, and Microphone. Each button can be programmed via a Crestron control...
Crestron, the Crestron logo, and Cresnet are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Crestron Electronics, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other trademarks, registered trademarks, and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the ma...
Download the latest firmware PUF (package update file) from the TST‑1080 product page or www.crestron.com/Support/Resource-Library. Access the web configuration interface as described in Access the Web Configuration Interface. Select Update Firmware from the Action drop-down menu on the top ...
NOTE: Virtual button functionality can be custom programmed using a Crestron control system.Power : Powers the touch screen off. Home : Returns to the home page of the application or program. Lighting : Navigates to lighting controls in the application or program. Up : Moves up a page in ...
一个令人难以置信的5,000亮度项目全高清1080p分辨率图像突出细节。 用于大型安装的5000ANSI流明的明亮投影 从5'8"远投射一个超亮的100"图像 4角几何校正,以便于安装基本的堆叠解决方案或在不平整的墙壁上 垂直/水平梯形和各种应用的镜头移位 使用Crestron、IP link、Extron PJ-link和RS-232完全控制局域网和RS-232...
使用Crestron、IP link、Extron PJ-link和RS-232完全控制局域网和RS-232。telnet 内置hdbaset非常适合在安装环境中长电缆运行 Optoma(奥图码) WU515TST 物理参数 Brightness 5500 ANSI 流明 标准分辨率 1920x1200 屏幕比例 16:10 (WUXGA) Contrast 10000:1 (full on/off) 投影芯片 2 厘米 DLP x 1 色彩分辨率...
Optoma EH515TST 短焦投影仪说明书 EH515TST The Optoma EH515TST short throw projector is projects Full HD 1080p resolution images for outstanding detail.Advanced installation features, like four corner geometric corrections, horizontal and vertical lens shift, keystone adjustments and a 0.79:1TR lens...
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