The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot be rolled back to a savepoint. Roll back the entire transaction. */
--事务控制 COMMIT --结束当前事务 ROLLBACK --中止当前事务 SET TRANSACTION --定义当前事务数据访问特征 --程序化SQL DECLARE --为查询设定游标 EXPLAN --为查询描述数据访问计划 OPEN --检索查询结果打开一个游标 FETCH --检索一行查询结果 CLOSE --关闭游标 PREPARE --为动态执行准备SQL 语句 EXECUTE --动态...
C# How to stop BackgroundWorker correctly? C# How to stop executing the current method, break? return? or some other? C# how to tell if Excel cell is formatted as a date C# how to use different timer with different intervals, but start and stop them at the same time C# How to use ...
Try to avoid nested transactions. Use the@@TRANCOUNTvariable to determine whether a transaction needs to be started (to avoid nested transactions). Start a transaction as late as possible and commit/rollback the transaction as fast as possible to reduce the time period of resource locking. And,...
如何解决冲突 将模板格式的占位符的数量与传递的参数的数目匹配。 何时禁止显示警告 不禁止显示此规则发出...
Within a stored procedure I have a try catch block with a transaction which will commit if control never passes to the catch otherwise will rollback if there's an error and control does pass to the catch block. I'm running this stored procedure from within a transaction, as pe...
二. JDBC协议使用限制 TSQL的JDBC协议存在功能限制。在使用TSQL JDBC协议前请对照检查,具体限制和说明如下: TSQL 目前仅支持时序数据查询和时序元数据查询,不支持数据写入,修改和删除 TSDB没有事务(Transaction)的支持。 具体JDBC API的限制说明如下:
Can't use Begin Transaction before a WITH Cancel Rollback Cannot ALTER 'dbo.fn_GetDate' because it is being referenced by object cannot be used in an index or statistics or as a partition key Cannot continue the execution because the session is in the kill state Cannot create a row of ...
二. JDBC协议使用限制 TSQL的JDBC协议存在功能限制。在使用TSQL JDBC协议前请对照检查,具体限制和说明如下: TSQL 目前仅支持时序数据查询和时序元数据查询,不支持数据写入,修改和删除 TSDB没有事务(Transaction)的支持。 具体JDBC API的限制说明如下:
CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT "RB_TESTDB" TABLESPACE "TESTDB"; ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT "RB_TESTDB" ONLINE; 显示DML执行计划 Show plan Explain plan 保留点 ¨ Save transcation Sp_name ¨ ROLLBACK TRANSACTION percentchanged ¨ Savepoint Sp_name ¨ Rollback to savepoint sp_name 对模式对象改名 ...