2、就是sql给出的出错信息“EXECUTE 后的事务计数指出缺少了 COMMIT 或 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION 语句。原计数 = 0,当前计数 = 1。” 这个出错信息是因为我没有很好的理解事务和保存点的关系,保存点是在事务内部的 不带savepoint_name 和 transaction_name 的 ROLLBACK TRANSACTION 回滚到事务的起点。嵌套事务时,该...
本主题介绍如何使用 Transact-SQL 在启用了 Always On 可用性组功能的 SQL Server 实例上创建和配置可用性组。 “可用性组” 定义一组用户数据库,这些用户数据库将以支持故障转移的单个单元和一组故障转移伙伴(称作“可用性副本” )的形式进行故障转移。
ROLLBACK TRANSACTION无法在分布式事务中引用以显式BEGIN DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTION方式启动或从本地事务升级的savepoint_name。 执行语句后COMMIT TRANSACTION,无法回滚事务,除非与COMMIT TRANSACTION正在回滚的事务中包含的嵌套事务相关联。 在此实例中,即使已为其发出COMMIT TRANSACTION嵌套事务,也会回滚该事务...
如果認可的交易是 Transact-SQL 分散式交易, COMMIT TRANSACTION 則觸發 MS DTC 使用雙階段認可通訊協議來認可交易所涉及的所有伺服器。 當本機交易跨越相同資料庫引擎執行個體的兩個或更多資料庫時,執行個體會利用內部的兩階段交易認可,認可與交易有關的所有資料庫。
Azure SQL Database and SQL Server starting SQL Server 2017 (14.x): ALTER TABLE, ALTER PROCEDURE, and sp_rename operations are supported. Other schema changes, for example adding extended properties, are not supported.SQL Server 2016 (13.x): ALTER TABLE and ALTER PROCEDURE operations are suppo...
use example ,but don't roll back Actual behavior Reason analyze (If you can) may be bug Steps to reproduce the behavior, such as: SQL to execute, sharding rule configuration, when exception occur etc. i used Official demo,only modified ExampleService.insertData(only append 【throw new SQLExce...
Transaction method tx is like task, which also executes BEGIN + COMMIT/ROLLBACK: db.tx(t => { // creating a sequence of transaction queries: const q1 = t.none('UPDATE users SET active = $1 WHERE id = $2', [true, 123]); const q2 = t.one('INSERT INTO audit(entity, id) VALUE...
程序集:Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Extensions(在 Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Extensions.dll 中) 语法 C# publicNullable<bool> CursorCloseOnCommit {get;set; } 属性值 类型:System.Nullable<Boolean> 请参阅 参考 TSqlModelOptions 类 Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Model 命名空间...
SIO_LOOPBACK_FAST_PATH control code (Windows) Start element (Windows) TraceLoggingActivity::~TraceLoggingActivity method (Windows) EntranceEffect Element Source Element ITransformPropertyPoint::get_Time IPropertyStore::Commit method (Windows) How to Suppress and Control Verb Visibility (Windows) IContro...
rollback after restart. So the data is inconsistent with binlog. Only the type of DDL which update the dd::tablespace id can lead to this situation. For example drop column.How to repeat:Step 1: Add the code to sleep after online ddl prepare stage. ```cpp --- a/sql/sql_table.cc...