The TSP100III LAN receipt printer connects to your network using an Ethernet cable. To use this printer, you must have a network set up in your location and a router that you can connect your printer to using an Ethernet cable. Before you get started, make sure you have the cables that...
Shopify 硬件商店不提供 Star Micronics TSP100III LAN 和 TSP100IIIW 收据打印机,但您可以从 Barcodes Inc 进行购买。 购买打印纸 满足以下条件的任何热敏纸卷均适合此打印机: 宽度为 3 1/8 英寸(80 毫米) 长度不超过 230 英尺(70 米)。 有关如何装入收据打印机的说明,请参阅制造商的硬件手册中的指南。
Shopify POS won't work with multiple TSP100III LAN receipt printers at the same time.