Strong gains in the stock-based TSP funds in 2023 pushed the average account for federal employees and retirees back to roughly the levels before the
(G Fund, F Fund, C Fund, S Fund I Fund) as well as the Lifecycle (L) Funds. Daily, monthly and annual TSP performance, rates of return, and daily TSP share prices are among the data provided, and we also offer a free email newsletter with a weekly update on the TSP funds’ ...
TSP plans have a limitednumber of investment options. You can’t invest in individual stocks or other publicly traded investments. As of 2022, TSP participants who pay additional fees can also invest inavailable mutual funds. However,TSP index funds still give investors a sufficiently diversified i...
With that said, this year (2023) has been the longest not-happened-yet recession that has ever beenpredicted. I too, am guilty of quasi-predicting the “looming recession.” I spoke of recession-like environment in prior posts. Yes, gas is high. Yes, true, inflation is upon us.But– ...
Several rule-based heuristics have been proposed for this problem, including the traversal, midpoint, and largest gap strategies (Hall 1993), which have been further expanded with the return and composite heuristics (Petersen 1997). As the picker routing problem is a special case of the TSP, ...
voidcGAMachine::MutateInsert(constvector<cGene>&parent,vector<cGene>&offspring)//插入变异{if((rand()/(double)(RAND_MAX))>m_mutationRate){offspring=parent;return;}int nRandscr=rand()%(parent.size()-1);int nRanddes=rand()%(parent.size()-1);if(nRanddes==nRandscr){offspring=parent;...
{ sumP += individual.getSurvivalRate(); if (sumP >= p) { //选择个体 newPopulation.add((Individual) this.deepClone(individual)); break; } } } //用newPopulationt替换population population.clear(); population.addAll(newPopulation); return bestIndividual; } /** * 交叉 * 当随机数>pcl,...
Afterwards, they essentially reduced their L2040 investment by the $50,000 loan, then locked themselves into the G-fund’s rate of return. In other words, their asset allocation looked a lot like this: Unless the Smiths had intended for their asset allocation to look this way, taking a T...
# Name: parse_output # Parameters: an array of strings (the lines from the terminal) # Returns: an array of strings (the things to speak) def parse_output(lines): return ["a list of things to say"]Config fileIn ~/.tdsr.cfg you add to the plugins and commands section to modify ...
if random.random() < random_select_rate: parents.append(chromosome) return parents ⑤变异策略: 按照给定的变异率,对选定变异的个体,随机地取三个整数,满足 1<u<v<w<33 ,把 v 、u之间(包括u 和v)的基因段插到w后面。替换原来的相邻两点互换变异,和两点互换的变异策略。