TSL|謝瑞麟 的珠寶美學以「非凡工藝 潮流演繹」作為核心定位,我們深知卓越工藝和精緻細節乃高品質產品的標誌,並致力以創新的產品設計為您帶來歷久常新的時尚珠寶,立即選購最合您心意的珠寶首飾。
DUO by TSL - Couple’s jewellery concept store Explore More Shop By Category Rings Necklaces & Pendants Earrings Bracelets Brands Fortune Bracelet Series A journey of prosperity, longevity, happiness and wealth Fortune Bracelet Series ANIMA - The Chinese 12 Zodiac Anima Collection Art of Gold...
Jewellery & Watches Established in 1971, TSL Jewellery is renowned for its expertise in jewellery designs and retailing as well as wholesaling services. The brand has over 120 retail outlets throughout the region.Shop details Email enquiry@tslj.com Location(s): Outlying Islands Address:...
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我們的珠寶美學以「非凡工藝 潮流演繹」作為核心定位。我們深明卓越工藝和精緻細節乃高品質產品的標誌,並致力以創新的產品設計為顧客帶來歷久常新的時尚珠寶。隨著每一件傑作亮相,我們將繼續推陳出新,盡善盡美。 我們力臻完美的一份執著,也是歷年來集團取得成功的要訣。歷經三年無數次的切割測試、嚴密的工程設計和堅...
集團與國際知名時裝設計師 Vivienne Tam 攜手走上全球時尚舞台,於紐約時裝周發佈「Vivienne Tam for TSL Fine Jewellery Collection」 ,成為首家在該時裝盛會亮相的香港珠寶公司。 集團科技創新,成為首家推出嶄新數碼體驗的香港珠寶零售品牌,包括電子珠寶雜誌、iPhone 及 iPad 應用程式等。 2012 為保育傳統珠寶工藝,致力...
All platinum jewellery available at TSL|謝瑞麟 contains 95% or 99% pure platinum. A higher density of platinum means that it is more durable than pure gold, more chemically inert, and more resistant to corrosion. Unique Platinum Hallmarks Most platinum jewellery on the market is silver white in...
About TSL Jewellery Hong Kong TSL 謝瑞麟 - 經典雋永的時尚珠寶 - 重新演繹時尚珠寶。 We thrive to bring a transformative voice to the traditional world of fine jewellery, to redefine luxury by unique individuality, self-actualization and exceptional craftsmanship. We are the ultimate styling solution ...